I'm an evil girl

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" Same here . I just want to sit beside you and talk to you " she said sadly

" Then let's bunk the class " he said excitedly

" No. It's the important lecture Manik I already can't understand what the professor taught and if I'll bunk the lecture then I don't understand even a single bit so wrong plan " she said sadly

" When you don't understand it already so let's just bunk the college today and I'll take you to an awesome place " he said excitedly

" But Manik............... " she started saying but Manik cut him off by interrupting and said " No but's let's go I'll teach you don't worry "

Nandini looked at him seriously and then laughed while saying " You you will teach "

"There is nothing to laugh about so shut up and let's go " he said and grabbed Nandini hand and took her outside from the college.

Manik opens the gate of a passenger seat for Nandini like a gentleman.

Nandini smiled looking at him and then sat in the car and then Manik sat and drove the car.


" Where is Manik ?? I haven't seen him since this morning. Did you guys see him ?? " Kabir asked all his friends as they were standing on the playground.

" I don't know. I also didn't saw him " Mukti said

" He is with that bitch " Soha said angrily " I will just kill that bitch " she continued looking angry.

" What is your problem Soha ?? Why are you always jealous ?? " Dhruv said looking at her with anger as to how she can't be happy for Manik.

" Shut up. I am not talking to you " she shouted at him angrily.

" But I am talking to you and today nobody will stop me " he said and holded her hand tightly and took her with him.

" Guys " all the friends shouted at both of them.

Dhruv didn't stop and even made his grip tight on her hand and walked to the store room.

" Leave me. You stupid leave me " she shouted but he behaved like he didn't listen.

Dhruv took her in the room and then locked the room.

" You are making me crazy Soha " he shouted angrily standing in front of her.

Soha pushed him and shouted at him " Get lost " and started going from there.

Dhruv grabbed her hand and harshly pushed her on the wall.

Soha yelled his name in anger "Dhruv"

" Why ?? Why do you always think of Nandini so wrong ?? Why do you always hate her ?? " he said angrily while digging his nails in her arms.

" Because she is a bitch " she shouted at him, having tears in her eyes while going to fall anytime.

" Soha " he shouted her name angrily.

" Dhruv, she will hurt him. Are you not Manik's friend?? You should be also worried for him, " she said, fighting with her tears to not fall.

Dhruv let her hands free and held his hairs, being pissed off and then looked at her angrily and said " Nandini is good for him. I have already found everything related to her so don't worry about it "

" She is a bitch and will always be a bitch " she yell

Dhruv grabbed her hands again harshly and said angrily " Why don't you understand Soha ?? "

" It's... ... .. It's hurting Dhruv " she said while crying

" What ?? " he again yelled at her in anger.

" Leave my ......... my arm please. It's... ... . It's hurting, " she said while crying.

He fastly left her hands and saw her worriedly.

Soha took this as the opportunity and tried to run away from there while crying but couldn't as Dhruv hugged her from behind.

" Leave me Dhruv " she said, pinching on his hand.

Dhruv didn't say anything and hugged her more tightly.

" Dhruv, leave me. I don't want to talk to you, " she said while crying.

Dhruv turned her and make her look at him and then wiped her tears and said softly " I am sorry "

Soha hugged him and started crying more in his arms.

Dhruv hugged her back and said while rubbing her back softly " Stop crying. I am sorry "

Soha stopped crying and looked at him and then said " I know you hate me Dhruv but... ... ... "

She started saying but Dhruv interrupted and said by cupping her cheeks " I don't hate you "

" You always shout at me and behave like I am some slut " she said looking in his eyes.

" Soha " he yell her name angrily

" See again you are yelling " she said looking at him

" You are saying bullshit things. You know you shouldn't think about all this and please stop saying these words, " he said, caressing her cheeks.

" Isn't it true ?? " she asked him

" Obviously not. Stop thinking so lowly of yourself and Nandini " he said

" Not again Dhruv " she said while leaving his hand angrily

" Soha you both are girls and you know that you both are not like this " he said caressing her cheeks.

She didn't say anything and put her head on his chest and her hands were around his waist .

" I know you don't like her but once you try to get to know her. At least for Manik " he said while hugging her back.

She didn't say anything and just made her grip tighter around him.

He started rubbing her back softly so that she felt good and put his chin on her head and said to herself " When will you understand Soha?? When?? Manik is not for you and you can't make him feel the same way that Nandini makes him feel. After what Manik has faced in the past he stopped believing in love but now Nandini came so I think he started believing in love. I hope you will soon understand this Soha "

" Dhruv you should be also worried for Manik " she said looking at him.

" Don't want to fight again Soha " he said, caressing her cheeks.

" Dhruv........,.. " she started saying but stopped mid-sentence when Dhruv put his finger on her lips.

" Let him do whatever he wants to do and you know that I am always there for him so don't worry " he said.

Soha wanted to say something but couldn't . Dhruv noticed it and then he removed his finger from her lips and cupped her cheeks and said "Good girl "

" No, I am an evil girl, " she said.

Dhruv laughed and then kissed on her forehead and said " You are both "

She smiled happily and then hugged Dhruv and said " Thank you "

" For what ?? " he asked in confusion while hugging her back.

" For fighting with me " she said while looking at him

" Soha " took her name while being pissed off.

She smiled looking at him and then pulled his both cheeks and said " You are so cute Dhruv "


Chapter 8 !!!!
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