Expressing how it feels

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" I just want to help him dad " she said looking at her dad and making eye contact with him and trying her best to make his dad understand what she is feeling.

" I understand, " he said looking at her and then he held her hands and said " But darling you have to express what you are feeling. Say what you want, what you want to do for him, where you want to take this love, how you want him to share his things"

" Express. I'll just say one word " Express " and everything will be fine " her dad said and caressed her head lovingly.

Nandini hugged her dad tightly and said looking at him " Thank you dad. You are the best "

Nandini then started walking out of the room. His dad called her and asked her " Where are you going?? "

" To meet him dad " she said and picked up her phone which she forgot while leaving the room.

" You can go afterwards also na. I made my darling favorite cake " her dad said pointing towards the cake and making a pout just like Nandini does. " A daughter father duo same "

Nandini walked towards his dad and said holding his hands " Dad I'll come soon and then we together eat the cake " and then she hugged him

Nandini went outside but before closing the door she said looking at her dad " Don't eat it without me dad " and then she winked looking at him.

Her dad laughed looking at her and then said " Go go your handsome hunk will be waiting. "


Nandini reached outside the house of Manik and looked towards the window of Manik's room thinking he would be standing there but she didn't see him which made her upset.

" I know I was wrong. I should have thought from your point of view but don't worry I will make it up to you "  she said looking towards the window.

Nandini went inside and she got greeted with Aunty Linda, shock was evident on her face. Aunty Linda looked her up and down and then said holding her hands " Where were you Nandini?? Why didn't you come home with Manik?? What happened?? Did you fight?? Why are you not saying something?? Say something "

Nandini hold Aunty Linda from her arms and said " Take a deep breath Aunty. Take a deep breath "

Aunty Linda did as she said and then when Nandini confirmed that she has calmed down she said " I and Manik had a fight "

" What but why?? " Aunty Linda asked her shockingly and then continued " You know how sad Manik is. I told you don't leave him, he needs you "

Nandini hold her hands and started making circles on the back of her hand so that she could calm down and said while doing it " I am not leaving him nor I will leave him ever. I was just angry at him. You and I only want him to be safe "

Aunty Linda nodded her head in agreement looking towards her.

Nandini smiled looking at her and then she continued " But he isn't taking care of himself and even he is hiding it from me and you "

" What?? What happened to him?? " Aunty Linda asked her while panicking

" He is a safe Aunty but he hides that he got into an accident " she said, holding her hands and still making circles on the back of her hands.

Aunty Linda looked at her in shock and said " Let me go and check him "

" Aunty with God's grace nothing happened to him. He just got scratches but he didn't tell us because he thought we would be worried " she said sadly as she doesn't want this to happen

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