Let's save water 😉

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Sorry for the late update. I hope you guys didn't forget me and the lovers Manik and Nandini.
I'm really sorry for updating late. I will try to update soon the next time.

Please forgive me and let me have 15 comments on this chapter

" Wake up baby, " Manik said while caressing her hair.

Nandini said " 5 more minutes " and then tried to turn around to the other side of the bed but hissed in pain because of her fractured leg.

" What are you doing?? " Manik said worriedly.

Nandini looked at him with tears in her eyes and said " It hurts "

Manik make her sit straight on bed and then kissed on her forehead and said "Don't cry "

" It's hurting " she said and now her tears make their way to her cheeks.

Manik wiped her tears and said while cupping her cheeks " Doctor said you don't have to move your leg, your leg is still fracture "

" I forgot " she said and hugged him tightly

" You have to remember it love " he said and hugged her tightly while calming her and continue " If you will not care then how will you get well and start running again "

" But it's less severe than also why it's hurting so much " she asked with a pout looking at him.

" It doesn't matter if it's less severe or more severe as in the end your leg is broken so you have to be careless " he said and gave peck on her pout.

Nandini nodded yes and then Manik went into the bathroom and came out with a towel and a water tub. He placed the water tub beside the bed desk and said " Wash your face "

" Why did you bring it here?? " she asked him

" You want me to pick you all the time in my arms mam " he said with a smirk and then continue " You love so much to be in my arms "

Nandini slapped on his chest and hid her face in his chest.

Manik kissed on her forehead and said "Now wash your face and then I will bring food for you "

" You don't have to do it. I can do it myself" she said looking at him.

" No baby you can't, " he said and gestured towards her broken leg.

Nandini looked down sadly and then washed her face and then Manik came back with food and broke a morsel and was going to feed her when she stopped him and said "I will eat myself " and snatched the plate from him and started eating.

Manik noticed that something is bothering her and she is being sad but he didn't said anything and decided to ask her in the night when they will be in each other's arms.

Nandini finished her food and looked at Manik with a smile. Manik also smile and said " Your medicine " and gave her the medicine.

Nandini eat the medicine without any tantrum which she never do as she hates hospital and she hates medicines too as they taste bad and in Nandini language yakk.

Manik noticed it and that's when he said "No tantrums today "

Nandini didn't say anything and she just nodded her head in yes.

Manik was going to help her for lying down on the bed when she stopped him and Manik looked at her in confusion and that's when Nandini said " I want to use washroom " and she looked down being embarrassed.

Manik noticed it and he said while helping her to go in the washroom "You don't have to be embarrassed about it "

Manik helped her in the washroom and then helped her in lying down on bed while taking her out from the washroom while taking her in his arms.

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