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They soon reached to their destination which Manik was waiting for her to take there and surprise her and make her happy as he is the one who made her sad when they reached Aman office.

Manik looked at her sleeping beauty who looked so beautiful while sleeping too. Manik went towards the passenger side and kissed on Nandini's forehead and then she moved towards her eyes and kissed both of her eyes.

Nandini stirred in her sleep which made Manik to look at her. He looked at her smilingly then kissed her left cheek and whisper in her ears '' Good morning, love''

'' Let me sleep Manik '' she said while moving her head the other side and continued her sleep without even thinking that she is not on her soft bed, she is in the car.

Manik chuckled and then whisper while coming near her ear " You are not at your house, you are in the car darling "

Nandini moved her head towards him while opening her eyes lightly but her eyes become big like saucer when she felt his lips on her.

Nandini pushed him and said while looking at her lap shyly " Why did you do this? " then she looked into his eyes and continued " You are being naughty day by day "

Manik looked bat her amusingly and then cupped her cheeks and informed her with his signature smirk '' Darling I didn't kissed you. I was near your ear so when you turned around your lips were on me so all fault is yours "

Nandini looked at him amusingly and seeing her Manik laughed and continued while pinching her cheeks which make her more adorable '' I like your bold side. You should show this side of your more "

'' Prevert " she said while slapping on his chest and moved outside the car but get another shock seeing what is in front of her then she turned towards Manik and asking him where they are by raising her eyebrows upwards.

Manik chuckled looking at her expression and then went towards her , hugged her from behind by putting his hands around her waist and chin on her shoulder and said " I am sorry about the way I behaved with you there and you want to see the building, my hardwork so here we are "

Nandini turned in his arms and said while putting her hand around his neck with a big smile on her face '' I am so happy ''

" And I can do anything just to see this smile on your face " he said and gave a peck on her lips.

Nandini whinced and took his name " Manik " and started looking here and there.

Manik laughed and then hold her palm in his big hands and started walking inside the building with her and as soon as they enter everyone went silent that even the paper turning voice is getting heard.

Nandini felt a different aura around her when she entered in the office with him. She looked towards Manik and saw a different Manik. his jaw was clenched, no smile on his face and was walking like a king in his empire and whenever anyone is greeting him he was just giving a stern nod to everyone without even looking at them.

They entered into the elevator, Manik pressed the top floor button and he was still having that stern or you can say a dangerous face that anyone can get chills in their body.

Nandini was standing close to him so he nugged him from her shoulder.

Manik looked towards her while raising his eyebrows asking her what she wants ??

Nandini continued with a smirk " You can drop that dangerous aura of your Mr. Malhotra " and then she looked towards him while bitting her lower teeth and continued " because now you are all alone with your beautiful girlfriend '' and then she winked looking at him.

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