Everything is solved

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They both entered the hall where Mr. Malhotra was already present waiting for them. she sat beside him after greeting him and then complained to him '' Why didn't you join us for breakfast?? ''

'' I didn't want to disturb the couple'' he answered her with a smirk on his face while looking at Manik.

Manik also smiled hearing him and looked at the blushing Nandini.

Nandini looked at him with narrowed eyes but he thought to tase her more so he winked in front of his dad.

His dad chuckled looking at them and she felt heat all over her face so she hid her face with the cushion.

They both started laughing but Mr. Malhotra stopped laughing when he saw his son laughing so fully without caring about anything in the world and when they both had an eye contact Manik also stopped laughing.

Nandini felt the air getting thick so she decided to say something to ease the atmosphere '' You both are so bad laughing on my misery ''

Manik looked at her and smiled but Mr. Malhotra was still looking at him and said while maintaining eye contact with him '' After 5 years I saw my son laughing fully without caring about my presence or anything in the world '' he then looked towards Nandini and continued while patting her head '' only because of you. God bless you always ''

Nandini smiled looking at him and then looked towards Manik and saw him being emotional.

Manik wants to say something but isn't able to form words to express how he is feeling seeing him so close and being in the same room with him. He is having tears in his eyes and a lump is formed in his throat that is making it hard for him to say anything. He started feeling like someone was choking him and at the same time he saw a glass of water in front of him and when he saw the person holding it he wasn't able to hold himself and hugged that person tightly around her waist.

She could feel him having tears so she stood and went to fetch water for him hurriedly. She then came close to him and gave water to him while putting her hand on his shoulder but she lost her balance when Manik hugged her tightly by putting his hands around her waist and face on her stomach.

Mr. Malhotra went towards them and holded the glass from Nandini which was going to fall and heard him sobbing.

She felt tears on her top and heard him sobbing but before she could hug him or say anything to comfort him she saw a hand on him and that's when she stopped and let the father son duo have their moment that has been on hold for 5 years.

Manik felt a hard hand on his shoulder which is squeezing his shoulder so he looked up and made eye contact with Nandini and then he looked towards the source whose hand it was and he couldn't control himself anymore so he hugged his dad tightly and started crying like a 5 year old boy in his father's arms.

Nandini smiled looking at the father son duo and they left them both alone to spend some time and also told everyone not to disturb them.

They both were hugging each other tightly and his dad was patting his back to make him stop crying but he didn't stop crying so his dad said ''Manik stopped crying mere baache (my baby) ''

Manik looked at him and said while wiping his tears harshly with the back of his hand '' I missed you so much ''

'' Missed you too and I am really sorry for not being there for you and making you go from so much trouble all alone '' his dad said while stopping his hand from wiping his tears harshly and then he started whipping his son tears softly and continued '' I am proud of you ''

Manik again hugged his dad tightly and stayed like this for a while and soon he heard his dad chuckling while having hiccups.

He looked at his dad with a questioning look as to why he was laughing so his dad looked at him and said while patting his shoulder '' You didn't change at all Manik. When you are little then also you start getting hiccups whenever you cry and the same happened right now. ''

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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