Wow you got balls today

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" That's how you solve this " Nandini said passing him the notebook

" I didn't understand when the professor taught it, " Anubhav said while pulling his hair back in frustration.

" It's okay, I am here to help you, " she said with a smile.

Manik stiffed his wrist when saw that smile on her face which is for someone else but not for him.

" I will kill him. Why is she smiling so widely ? Why is she being so friendly with him? I hate it, " he said to himself in frustration.

Manik didn't control himself anymore and went towards her and yelled at her " What are you doing here ?? "

" Silence it's library " the librarian said

Manik took a seat beside her, holded her wrist tightly and asked her again angrily " What are you doing here ?? "

Nandini startled when he yelled at her and felt the pain around her wrist and her eyes got filled with tears because of the pain.

" Come with me " he said and started walking .

Nandini was forcefully walking with him and couldn't say anything to him as she was afraid to say anything to him.

Manik took her to the parking lot and pushed her on the wall.

Nandini startled at his actions and said while stuttering " What ........ What are you d...... doing ?? "

" Don't say a single word Nandini " he said looking at her angrily

" But ......... . " she started saying but Manik cut her off and yelled at her " Where were you ?? I was finding you everywhere"

" Why are you yelling at me ? " she asked him and the tear which she was holding for a long time slipped from her eyes.

" Don't cry " he said wiping the tears from her face

" You are ............ hurting me " she said shaking in fear looking towards him

Manik released her hand when he heard her and was feeling guilty behaving with her like this. He wanted to hug her but couldn't as he already hurted her and he doesn't want to hurt her anymore.

" Don't cry please " he said holding her hand softly

" Why are you so angry at me ?? " she asked sobbing

Manik holds her hand and makes her sit on the stairs. He wiped her tears and rubbed her hands.

" I saw you everywhere but couldn't find you " he started saying to make her understand but she cut him off

" Because of this you yell at me " she said sadly

" I am sorry " he said sadly looking towards her

" I don't want to talk to you " she said and stood up to go away from there.

Manik fastly hold her hand and stand up and said looking into her eyes " I am sorry please don't stop talking to me "

" You hurted me Manik. I thought we have become friends but no we are not anymore" she said and ran away from there.

" Stop Nandini stop. Don't go please " he yelled while seeing her going from there.

Manik felt pain and just wanted to run and stop her from leaving him and hug her tightly to stop her from going anywhere but couldn't as he doesn't want to hurt her anymore.

Manik was sitting in his room being angry at himself for why he behaved like this with her. He was doing battle in his mind when he decided to go to the gym and do some boxing with his best friend Dhruv.

" Hey buddy!! Long time no see " Dhruv said

Manik didn't say anything even though he put on his boxing gloves and went inside the boxing ring.

" Wow you got balls today " Dhruv said with a smirk

" Let's have a match " he replied

They both started the match. Manik was punching aggressively at Dhruv as he was taking out all his anger on Dhruv. Dhruv was also nothing less than he was also having the full battle mode on.

Dhruv is a childhood friend of Manik. Dhruv's family has abandoned him as he was not good in studies and he was also an adopted man in his family so he also left his own house when he got to know this.

Manik has supported him at every point in his life and when Dhruv shared his dream of opening his own big gym not only in his own city but in the whole world so Manik supported him not only emotionally but financially also.

Manik and Dhruv have such a good bond that they share everything with him. They don't talk daily but whenever they feel low or have any problem they both talk to each other.

" What happened ?? " Dhruv asked, wiping his sweat.

" I ruined everything " he replied removing his boxing gloves

" Something happened with Nandini " Dhruv asked sitting beside him

Manik was not shocked at all as he knew that Dhruv is the only one who knows him better than anyone else even than his parents. Manik told every single thing that happened between them to Dhruv.

" Wow " Dhruv yell shockingly

Manik looked at him, making his eyebrows frown. That is why he is acting like something good happened.

" Somebody is jealous. I can see it " Dhruv said jokingly

" Shut up Dhruv. You know it's not possible " he said by drinking water

" Why ?? " Dhruv asked and then paused for his answer but when he didn't talk he continued " Because somebody has hurted you "

" I don't want to talk about it, " he said and started going from there.


Chapter 3 !!!!
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