Baby, it's late.

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Manik looked at Nandini who was lost in her own thoughts and holded her hand and put it on his thighs while driving.

Nandini looked at him and her face turned red when Manik put her hand on his thigh and to hide her shyness she looked outside from the window of the car with a big smile.

The whole drive was silent. Nobody was speaking and they are loving this silence as there is no drama, no sadness. Even in silence they both are feeling happy as they are there together with each other.

They reach their destination which is Nandini home. Manik came out and like a gentleman opened the door for Nandini.

Nandini came out with a big smile on her face and said " Good night Manik"

" Good night " he replied back with a smile but inside he was feeling sad as he didn't want her to go away and wanted to spend the night too with her in his arms.

Nandini smiled back and started going inside when stopped midway when she heard her name with such a sweet voice.

She turned around and said with a smile " Yes Manik "

Manik put his hand in front of her and gestured to her to come towards her.

Nandini smiled and holded his hand and came closer to him but got startled when Manik put his hand on her waist and made her come closer to him.

Nandini put her hands on his chest and said while struggling to get out from his hold "Manik what are you doing?? Someone will see, leave me "

Manik smile looking at her and then hugged her tightly " I am not feeling like to leave you "

" Shut up Manik" she said slapping on his chest lightly and then continued " Leave me"

Manik looked at her happily and asked her "What were you thinking in the car ?? "

Nandini looked at him and then looked down on the floor shyly.

Manik hold her chin with his finger and thumb to make her look towards him and said " Tell me Nandini "

Nandini hugged him tightly and putted her head on his chest and said " I don't know Manik what is happening with me "

" I don't know Manik how to tell you that I want to spend time with you. I don't really know what is happening with me, Manik. I don't want to do anything. I just want to be in your arms, hugging you like this and talking about different stuff all day. I want to sleep in your arms. I don't know what type of feeling this is. " she said to herself while hugging him.

Manik broke the hug and made her look towards him and said worriedly " What happened ?? Are you not feeling okay?? "

She felt good seeing him worried for her as before him nobody got worried for him as much he is worried for her.

She smiled and said cupping his cheeks "Don't worry Manik. I am fine"

" But you just said... ... ... ". Manik started saying but stopped when Nandini put her finger on his lips.

Manik kissed her finger and she took back her finger from his lips and got all red with this gesture of Manik.

" You look so cute when you blush " Manik came forward and whispered in her ears making her more red.

Nandini slapped on his chest lightly and then hid her face in his chest. They were hugging like this for a while in the silence.

" It's late. You should go inside now Nandini" he said while breaking the silence.

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