Finding her

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Manik and his friends went to the garden. They were sitting on the bench.

" Why did you do this ?? " Kabir said being frustrated

" What ?? " Manik asked them looking confused

" You let her go so easily " Harshad said looking towards him

" Did you know her ?? " Soha asked him angrily.

" I meet her for the first time " he replied back

" So why did you let her go so easily ?? " Soha asked him angrily

" So cute " Manik said happily as Nandini's face came in front of him and the way she reacted when he talked to him .

" What ?? " they all yell together being confused that what he is saying

" Nothing " Manik said nodding his head in a no

" Do you fall in love with her ?? " Soha asked him being angry and jealous

Everyone laughed after hearing it and then Harshad said putting his hand on Manik's shoulder " Are you joking Soha ?? Manik and love not possible "

Manik smiled and nodded his head in a yes but inside he was asking himself " Do I fall in love at first sight ?? No it's not possible I can't fall in love it's not my thing. I can't "

Manik came out from his own words when Kabir shook him.

" But it's not bad to fall in love with her " Manik said with a smirk

" Don't Manik don't. Just be serious " Soha said angrily

" Why not ?? " he asked her raising his brows with a smirk

" These girls only know how to use boys. These girls are sluts who loves to do all this " Soha said

" Shut up " Manik yelled angrily and left from there without even stopping for a second.

Manik was walking in the corridor angrily when he saw the crowd of students coming from the class and he noticed that it was the same class for which Nandini asked the way.

Manik stood there and waited for her to come and he was still angry but what he saw melted his anger like ice cream melts.

Manik saw Nandini coming outside from the class with her friend and laughing happily. Seeing her laughing a smile came on his lips also and all his anger vanished in a second.

Nandini saw Manik and stopped laughing but it doesn't mean she became afraid or worried. She gave him a sweet and warm smile looking towards him and it made him more happy seeing her smiling while looking towards him.

Manik went towards her and asked her " How was your lecture ?? Did you understand the lecture ?? "

" Yes, the professor explained it very well, " she replied.

" Good " Manik said smiling looking towards her

Nandini gave back her beautiful smile which made his heart beat for a second and then he started going from there.

" Manik, wait " she said, looking towards him nervously and thinking if he would wait or not and she smiled happily when he saw him coming towards her again.

" Do you want something ?? " he asked her with a smile

" I just want to say thank you " she replied

" For what ?? " he asked her, being confused as he didn't remember the morning incident after the argument with his friends.

" For helping me in the morning " she replied him with a warning smile

" No need, " he said with a smile.

Then they both went their own way.

Manik didn't see Nandini in the morning and he was really anxious to see her. He went in the canteen to saw her there as it's recess time but couldn't find her there, then he went to see her in the classroom but didn't find her there also

" What happened ?? " Kabir asked him, looking towards him worried as he never saw Manik so anxious.

" Nothing " he replied back standing in the college ground

" Don't make a fool of us " Harshad said putting his hand on his shoulder

" Something is bothering you. Share with us " Soha said with a smile

" I haven't seen Nandini since this morning. I have tried to saw her everywhere but couldn't find her " he said looking at the ground

" Are you stupid ?? " Soha said, looking at him angrily and saying to herself " Why? Manik why? Why are you being crazy for her? I will kill her. Nobody can snatch you from me. Nobody "

Manik didn't answer her when he saw Nandini's friend Navya. Manik started running towards her.

Navya startled when he saw him coming towards her.

" Did you see Nandini?? Didn't she come to college today?? " he asked her while catching air to breathe.

" She is in college " she said, being a little bit worried seeing his behavior like this.

" Where? I found her everywhere but couldn't find her " he said being confused

" Did you see her in the library ?? " she asked him

" Shit !! I didn't see her there. I never went to library except once when the professor called me but today because of her I have to go " he was talking to himself

Manik came back when Navya shook him and asked him " Can I go now ?? "

" Yes . Thank you " he replied and then went to the library.

Navya was standing there dumbfounded as he never expected that Manik, her senior who is so egoistic and rich, would say thank you to her.

Manik went into the library and searched Nandini but couldn't find it. He decided to search her once again and that's when his eyes met her and he got angry at what he saw there.


Chapter two !!!!
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I really need it.

Xoxo xoxo

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