Don't leave me Dhruv

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I love it guys when I see your guys comment and it really motivates me. It feels good to see you guys so involve in the story.

I have been noticing that there are lot of silent readers. Please guys don't be just a silent reader, tell me how you guys are liking the story.

I have decided that I will post the next chapter of the story if I get at least 10 comments on this chapter or else I don't post the next chapter until I get 10 comments on it. 10 is a very small number guys I hope you can do this.

" I hate you. I hate you Nandini. " Soha said, throwing everything in her room. She was throwing a big tantrum as she saw both of them Manik and Nandini kissing each other.

" I will kill you Nandini " she said and threw the vase angrily on the mirror and the mirror got shattered into pieces.

" Soha please calm down please " the caretaker said while holding her and rubbing her back to calm her down.

Soha pushed her and shouted while holding her hairs tightly " Leave me alone "

" I... .. I can't handle her anymore. I have to call him, only he can handle her, " the caretaker said to herself and then went to make a call.

" Hello " a voice came from the opposite side of the call.

" Hello, please please come home quickly, " the caretaker said with a worried and scared tone.

" Calm down first and tell me what happened " a calm voice came from the opposite side.

" Soha mam " a voice came from behind like someone throwing things and then the caretaker continued " Soha mam is having a panic attack "

" What ?? " a shocking voice from the opposite side of the call came and then after a little silence the opposite side continued " I am coming "

" Soha mam please calm down " the caretaker said while going towards Soha but stopped when Soha throw the glass in front of her and said " Go away "

" Soha " a loud voice came from behind the caretaker and the caretaker and Soha both turned to see the person.

Soha threw the cushion at him and said angrily " Go away Dhruv. Go "

Dhruv gestured to the caretaker to go away and leave them alone but the caretaker stood there still and looked at him worriedly and that time Dhruv looked at the caretaker angrily and that's when the caretaker ran away being afraid.

Dhruv started entering in the room and that's when Soha again throw the cushion towards him and shouted "Go away "

" Why don't you do one thing, just throw a vase on me so that I will go away from you forever " he said looking at her while going towards her but stopped in mid when he felt a sting on his cheek.

Dhruv looked at her shocked and said "You slapped me "

" Don't ever say that again Dhruv " she said while crying and then went and sat on the bed having knees in her chest and crying continuously.

Dhruv went towards her and hugged her tightly and said " Why are you behaving like this ?? "

" I hate everyone, I hate my life Dhruv" she said looking at him and still crying.

Dhruv wiped her tears and said "What happened ?? "

" I saw both of them kissing " she said looking at him and then throw the glass and shouted " It hurts "

Dhruv holded her hands and hugged her tightly and asked her " Whom ?? " even when he knows the answer.

" Manik and Nandini, " she said looking at him.

Dhruv didn't say anything, he just nodded his head while he was still hugging her.

" Will you not say anything ?? " she asked him, looking at him with teary eyes.

" It's of no use " he said and holded her hand and started to pull her out from the room as the room is in a mess and he was afraid that Ira didn't hurt herself.

" Are you mad at me ?? " she asked while following him.

Dhruv made her sit on the couch of the living room and nodded his head in a no with a weak smile and started going in the kitchen but stopped when Soha held his hand.

Dhruv looked at their hands and then looked at her and asked her " What happened ?? "

" Don't leave me alone, " she said, looking at him worriedly.

" You don't need me so leave me Soha" he said and took his hand back aggressively and moved towards the kitchen.

Dhruv was in the kitchen making coffee when he felt cold hands on his waist. He looked at the hands and said while making coffee " Leave me Soha"

Soha made her grip more tightly on his waist and put her head on his back lightly and said " Please don't be angry at me "

Dhruv grabbed her hands and turned to see her and said " Why do you care ?? "

" Why I will not ?? " she asked him, looking into his eyes and holding his hands tightly.

Dhruv took his hand back from her grip and said " Because I am no one to you " then he took the coffee cup and went into the living room.

Soha followed him and when Dhruv felt her presence, he turned around and said " Here is your coffee. Drink it and don't make a fuss again " and he started leaving.

Soha run towards him and hugged him from back and said " Don't leave me alone Dhruv "

" Why can't I ?? I am no one to you then I can surely leave " he said while turning around , rudely throwing her hands around his waist and facing her.

Soha looked at him with teary eyes and said " How can you say that you are no one to me ?? You are my friend Dhruv "

" I don't want to be your friend Soha " he shouted at her and punched on the wall and said " I fucking love you Soha. How many times do I have to say that ?? "

The tears started flowing from her eyes when he saw Dhruv being so angry and she hugged him and said while crying "Don't be angry Dhruv please "

Dhruv pushed her and said angrily while looking at her " You can throw a fuss , you can care about everyone except me , you can do everything Soha but I can't even be angry. Why Soha why ?? "

" Dhruv please calm down please " she said while coming towards him.

" I have calmed down from the past 4 years, Soha. I can't do that anymore. You don't have to care about me as I am no one to you. You love Manik right so care about him not about me, focus on him not on me " he said looking at her angrily and started leaving .

Soha was standing there dumbfounded and was crying continuously.

Dhruv reached to the door and was going to leave but he turned around and said with the death glare " And one more thing Soha. You can do whatever you want to do for getting with Manik but if you hurt Nandini then trust me I will forget that I love you "

" Why are you worried for Nandini ??" she asked while crying.

" Because after such a long time I have my brother back. I am seeing my brother smiling the same way he smiled before that tragedy and it's all because of Nandini, " he said, looking at her and then leaving.

Soha sat down on the floor having her knees in her chest and saying while crying " Nandini I will kill you. You have destroyed everything "


I am here to remind you guys again that I need 10 comments on this chapter then only I post the other chapter.

10 comments guys. 💬💬

Chapter 15 !!!!
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