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" Which file is this?? " Manik asked her by looking at the file when Nandini was looking at all the books and leaving not even a spot of his cabin to capture it.

Manik was looking at her more like staring at every step of hers and that's when his eyes trailed towards the file which was near Nandini's phone so he asked her " Which file is this?? "

Nandini gulped the lump that formed in her throat when she saw Manik holding that file.

Manik walked towards her with the file and asked while caging her between him and the wall " Is this the same file that Mr. Malhotra was talking about?? "

" Manik ........... " she stuttered and couldn't speak anymore when she looked at him staring her with his deathly glare. She looked down at the floor being scared that how will he react and also couldn't able to handle his stare.

" I asked you something, love " he whispered in her ear lobe going closer to her which make Nandini shy and she was being a blushing mess.

Nandini holded his shirt tightly when he made her looked up at him by putting holding her chin with his finger and thumb and made her look into his eyes.

" Manik....... " she took his name looking into his eyes being afraid how will he react.

Manik cupped her cheek from his one hand and started stroking her cheek with his thumb softly and looked into her eyes by giving a curt nod to continue what she is going to say.

Nandini holded his hand which is one her cheek and asked " You will not get angry and listen to me patiently?? "

Manik just nod in agreement with a small smile that didn't reached till his eyes.

" Promise me Manik " she asked getting little afraid what if he get angry on her pestering him to agree as she can't handle one thing about him is that his anger.

" Nandini just say it " he said while running his hand through his hairs to calm his anger as he couldn't wait anymore to hear why that god damn file is doing here.

Nandini looked into his eyes while holding his hand and started explaining " I know you don't like the idea of your dad giving you that project. You think he is just doing all this to show you sympathy but that is not the truth Manik. The business men whose project is this really wants to work with you as he know how hard working and intelligent person you are when it comes to make deals and work "

" He is being trying to be in contact with you to do this deal but somehow he couldn't able to come in contact with you and somehow he get to know that Mr. Malhotra is your dad and his father is a good friend of Mr. Malhotra so he took the help from his father and that's how Mr. Malhotra wanted you to see this file and if you think it's good to deal then do this project " she said and took a deep breathe after explaining everything.

Somehow those red eyes of his became normal and back to black beautiful eyes he has but still somewhere he doesn't want to show his dad that he is dependent on him.

Manik walked towards the big window of his cabin and expressed his opinion and emotions by putting hands in his pocket and looking out from the window " I don't want his favour and I love to keep professional and personal life different "

" I understand Manik but he is not doing to make you feel that you are dependent on him even he feels proud on you when people like those big business men's want to work with his son " Nandini said while walking towards him and then continued by standing in front of him and caging herself between him and the window.

Nandini put his hands around Manik torso and continued looking into his eyes " If you still think he is doing a favor towards you then why don't you ask your secretary or the team to confirm if they really tried to work with you or not "

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