You are so naughty

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Manik came in front of her to stop her from going but Nandini was trying to go from there so Manik held his hands.

" Leave me, I want to go " she said, getting her hands from his grip.

" Listen to me, " he said, looking at her and hoping she would listen to him.

" What should I listen to, Manik ? I should listen that you didn't call me here and I am lying to you " she said angrily looking at him and then walking towards the stairs on terrace.

" No I don't know " he started saying while going towards her but she interrupted in between and said " It means I am lying. Wow Manik Malhotra Wow" started clapping sarcastically.

Manik came towards her and holded her hand and said " Love I really didn't call you here. Trust me "

Nandini stood up angrily from there . Manik thought that she will again burst out and she is again going to go away from him so he put his hand on his forehead and was thinking that what did he done wrong.

Nandini looked towards him and shouted " Yes, you are right. You didn't called me here "

Manik stood up and cupped her cheeks and said " Please calm down. I know you are angry but trust me I really............ "

Nandini interrupted in between and said " Yes that's what I am saying na you didn't called me "

" Nandini please calm down " Manik said while going towards him.

Nandini come towards Manik and holded his hand and said seriously "Manik I know you didn't called me here I am the one who called you here "

Manik was standing there in confusion as he didn't know what was going on.

Nandini saw him and understood he was being confused so she released his hand and stood away from him while maintaining a distance and said " I am just joking around Manik. You really didn't call me, I was just having fun with you " and she started laughing.

" What ? " he said, shocked that she is all joking and here his breath has gone away.

" Your... ... ... .your face " she said between her laughs.

" You were just having fun with me and here I am getting scared " he said looking at her angrily, showing fake anger even when he was loving and adoring her, seeing so much happiness.

Nandini just nodded her head and was laughing non-stop.

" You come here. I will show you what happens when you joke with me " he said and started chasing her and catching her.

Nandini looked towards him and started running to not get in his grip and said " No Manik No . Stop"

Manik didn't said anything but was chasing her and Nandini was trying her best to not get caught but she lose her balance and that's when Manik catch her from backside and said "Now I'll see how you go away "

" This is cheating Manik " she said looking up at him with a pout.

Manik looked at her with so much desire and said to himself " I want these lips in my mouth now " but then he composed himself while shaking his head and said holding her more tightly " What cheating? "

" I lost my balance, that's why you caught me this is not right " she said looking in front of them and trying to get away from his grip.

Manik came near her ear and whispered in her ear " Everything is fair in love and war baby " which gave her butterflies in her stomach.

" What it is love or war ?? " she said, composing herself and looking towards their hands.

Manik again came near her ear and whispered in his devilish tone "Whatever you want to think you can think baby " and then took her earlobe in his mouth.

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