The Truth

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" Hey " she greeted him back with a little smile.

" Where are you guys going ?? " he asked, looking towards Manik with concern as he knows that something bad is going on in Nandini's life.

" Dhruv, give me your apartment keys, " Manik said, looking at Dhruv while holding Nandini's hand.

" Is everything okay ?? " Dhruv asked with concern

" Just give me the keys. I will tell you later about all the things " Manik said

Dhruv took out the keys of the apartment from his coat pocket and threw them in front of Manik.

Manik catches the keys and starts taking Nandini out from the college when Dhruv again stops him.

" Manik wait " Dhruv yell while running towards him

" What happened ?? " Manik asked him in concern

" If anything happens just call me " Dhruv said looking at him worriedly

Manik put his hand on Dhruv's shoulder and said " Don't worry brother "

Manik and Nandini then left the college.

" Where are you taking me Manik ?? " she asked while sitting in the car

" Dhruv apartment " he said and his whole focus is on the road while driving

" But Manik.............. " she started looking towards him but stopped mid sentence when Manik holded his hand.

" You don't know how much you made me worried in past few days " he said looking towards her and then shifted his gaze on road

Nandini was feeling bad for making him so much worried towards her as she can see that he was and now also is really worried about her.

" I am sorry, " she said sadly, looking down at her lap.

" Don't make me worried and don't ever stop talking to me, " he said, putting his hand on her.

They both reached the Dhruv apartment. Manik went towards the passenger seat side and opened the door for Nandini to come out like a gentleman.

Nandini didn't come out and was sitting being fully stiffed.

Manik holded his hand and gave a soft squeeze and said " Come out "

Nandini looked towards him and nodded her head in a no. looking at him with tears in her eyes.

" Don't worry. There will be only you and me, just us " he said and thought that she would understand.

" It's not safe. You...... you know I don't...... don't want anybody to know" she said looking down at her laps.

" Nandini , don't you trust me " he asked and made her look at him by holding her chin.

" I do but Manik............... " she started looking at him but he cut him off.

" No, but. Just come with me and trust me " he said and stretched her hand to make her come out from the car.

Nandini came out from the car and followed Manik. Manik was still holding her hand and took her in the living room and sat on the couch.

Manik left her alone and came back with a glass of water and said "Nandini ".

Nandini took the glass full of water from him but couldn't drink and was just seeing it.

" Nandini, don't be so lost, " he said, taking back a glass of water and holding her hands.

" Why is life so bad towards me ? Why doesn't God love me like everyone else? " she started saying and the tears she was holding for so long came out of her eyes.

" Nandini what happened tell me ? " he asked while wiping her tears from her cheeks.

" Manik promise me you will not leave my side after hearing this news" she said, looking towards him with teary eyes and hoping that he would not leave her side.

" I will never ever leave your side Nandini " he said while squeezing her hands softly

" Manik I...... I am...... am an ......... " she is saying while stuttering as she was crying and stopped herself in between the sentences and started crying hard.

Manik wiped her tears and hugged her. Nandini was crying on his chest and hugged him.

Manik didn't stop her and let her cry as much as she wanted so that she felt a little bit better and could talk about it calmly.

" Nandini , stop. Look at me " Manik said holding her shoulders and make her look towards him and he wipe her tears and continued " Tell me Nandini"

" I am an adopted child Manik " she said with so much struggle as she couldn't know what would be his reaction and started looking at her lap and tears started falling.

Manik cupped her cheeks and made her look towards him and said while wiping her tears " How do you get to know this ?"

" I was coming in the living room when I overheard them and I couldn't control myself so I asked them and then they told me the whole story " she said with teary eyes.

" Now what ?? " he asked her as he didn't know what to do or what to say to her.

" What do you mean ?? " she asked, confused.

" Will you live with them or not? " he asked with a little bit of worry about how she would react after hearing this.

" Manik " she took his name angrily and started throwing her hands on his chest like beating him and started crying.

Manik holded her hands and hugged her tightly. She hugged him back and started crying on his chest.

" I love him and they also love me . I will never leave them, Manik, " she said, hugging him tightly.

Manik was rubbing her back softly and making her feel good.

" Don't worry everything will be fine " he said hugging her.


" Darling you are home " her dad said looking at Nandini happily.

Nandini went towards him and hugged him tightly and said " Yes dad"

" Did you cry ? " he asked her, touching her cheeks and feeling the tears stain on it.

Nandini nodded her head in disagreement and hugged him.

" Now my beautiful darling has started lying also after knowing the truth " he said while hugging her.

Nandini looked towards him with teary eyes and said " Dad don't say this. Please Dad." then she hugged him and continued " Dad I love you. Please just don't leave me ever".

" Darling I will never leave you but don't lie to me " he said with concern.

" I just don't want you to worry, " she said, looking at him.


Chapter 6 !!!!
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