Delicious lips.

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Manik looked at her angrily and then held his ears and started doing sit-ups with a sad pout.

Nandini smiled looking at him as he was looking really adorable with a pout and she just wanted to kiss him badly.

" Stop stop. " Aunty Linda and went towards him and said while cupping his face and said in a calm and sweet tone " I don't really like to give you punishment but you have to understand I am worried for you my son "

Manik hugged her tightly and replied " Sorry Aunty. It will never happen again. " then he looked at Nandini who was smiling looking at the cute duo and continued " I will not tell anyone else about it but I will surely tell you if anything happens in the future"

" Good boy " she said ruffling his hair with a smile and then continued " I will go and make something for you to eat " and she went inside the kitchen.

Manik gave a look towards Nandini and started walking towards his room

" Manik " Nandini took his name so that he would stop and he stopped but after that what he said made Nandini feel sad and her eyes filled with tears.

Manik turned and looked at her and said with a mix of emotions angry and sad " I don't want to talk to you at all " and started walking towards his room again.

Nandini composed herself and started going towards his room.

Manik was going to shut the door but he stopped midway when he saw Nandini standing in front of him and went inside the room and say while walking " I don't want to talk to you please go from here "

Nandini enter inside the room and started walking towards him after closing the door and back hugged him.

" Nandini go and leave me alone " he says while showing her hands which were around him.

Nandini hold Manik hand and turned him around so that they can be face to face and when he turned around she saw the pout on his face and without resisting she put her lips on his.

Manik was in shock that what just happened and as soon as he registered everything he started kissing her back.

Both were so involve in the kiss that they even forget that they were fighting like Manik was angry and Nandini was coaxing him.

As soon as they were out of breathe they stopped kissing and Manik saw the smile on her face and that's when he remember that he is still angry at her so he said again with a pout " I am still angry "

Nandini looked at his back and said " I was just teasing you Manik " and when he didn't turned she went towards him and came closer to his lip and said looking into his eyes " You look so adorable when you pout and I only want to do just one thing when you pout " and soon her lips were on his and she said between the kiss " Kiss "

They both were kissing each other. There lips were moving in sink and to enter inside her mouth he bite on her lower lip and that's when he got the entrance. They both were exploring each other mouth and savouring it.

When they both couldn't breathe anymore so they stopped and looked at each other.

Manik looked at her swallow lips and touched her lips with his thumb.

Nandini face was all red and she hide her face in his chest.

Manik smiled looking at her and kissed her in the hair and hugged her back.

" Don't get mad at me again " she said by looking at him from his chest.

Manik cupped her face and replied while rubbing his nose with her " Then why do you tease me?? "

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