Obstacles in life

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" Yes. Don't you know about it?? " the doctor said looking at her confused as he didn't expect that she would not know about the accident.

" What is going on Manik?? " she asked him, looking at him with her eyebrows raised in confusion and she is also angry that such a big thing happened and she didn't know about it.

Manik walked towards her and cupped her cheeks and said with a smile which can make her feel relief but looking at her Manik was afraid that she will not really trust him no matter what excuse he made but he thought why not give a try so he said " Love, it's nothing like that "

Nandini pushed him and said angrily while standing " You are lying "

" No I am not lying love " he said trying to hold her hand but she didn't let him hold her hand and started running away from there.

Manik shouted her name from behind to stop her but she didn't stop.

The doctor was also in shock about why she behaved like this and did he do wrong telling them to take care of themselves so he decided to ask Manik about it " Did she run because of me?? Did I do something wrong? "

" No doctor " he said and then held his hand for a handshake and continued saying " Thank you so much doctor for everything. I'll take care of her now " and then hurriedly run after her.

Manik went outside and saw Nandini crossing the road. He ran towards her and held her hand and said while breathing heavily " Where are you going?? Come I will take you home "

Nandini withdrew her hand from his grip and said angrily without even looking at him " I can go myself you don't have to worry about me " and then she started walking away from him.

Manik couldn't understand what was happening as he never saw Nandini so angry and he was in a dilemma so couldn't process what to do. .

Manik came out of the dilemma when he heard the ringtone of his phone. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and saw the caller id which brought a little smile on his face.

Manik picked the call and started talking while walking towards his car but when he sat in the car he remembered how Nandini was angry when she heard about his accident so he said on call before starting the car "I will call you later "

Manik was driving slowly at a minimum speed while thinking about Nandini and suddenly he thought that it could happen that Nandini had reached his place so Manik quickly went towards his place.

When Manik reached his place, he started shouting Nandini's name while looking at every place and that's when Aunty Linda entered and asked him, being worried " What happened?? "

" Did Nandini come here?? " he asked her hoping that she would know where Nandini is in the house but his morale burst up like a bubble burst.

" No, she is not here. Didn't she go out with you?? " She asked him, being confused about what happened, that he is talking like this and where Nandini is, why didn't she come back with him?? A pile of questions were there in her mind and only Manik could answer them.

Manik couldn't expect Nandini to be so angry that she didn't even come back home even when they promised that they would stay together.

Manik sat on the couch putting his head down in his hands and said to himself "Why?? Why did it happen to me?? I thought Nandini would stay with me. She filled the loneliness "

Aunt Linda shakedown Manik and that's when he came out of his trance and looked at Aunty Linda and started walking towards his room but stopped when Aunty Linda called him.

" Manik what happened and where is Nandini?? " she asked him while looking at his back as he was climbing the stairs and he stopped in mid-way when she called him

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