52: Call My Name

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( Note: This chapter's a lot longer for reasons, but enjoy! )


The greenette thought as she pushed herself away from her desk and let out a sigh of relief now that the end of the day was over and that the weekend was just about to approach. 

'Hah- thank goodness that I'm Kacchan's personal doctor again so that I don't have to work on the weekends. I do hope Reed's doing okay, he hasn't managed to find any time to talk to me judging from all the messages he's sent me. And from what I was told was that I'd be able to go back to my place with a properly fixed door since Kacchan destroyed the last one. It was nice that I did get to spend some time with Ka-'

She halted her thoughts and started turning Red from the thought. 

'What am I thinking, I shouldn't have been hanging out with Kacchan, but I only did to make up for last month since he and I basically weren't seeing each other, not that we were supposed to in the first place. Maybe I could have dinner with him tonight just to thank him for letting me stay at his place would be a good idea. Yeah, that could work, but what could I make that Kaccha would like?' 


She lifted her eyes to see Katsuki standing in front of her and slightly leaning onto her desk. 

"Ah- Kacchan..." 

"Are you done with work for the day?" 

"Oh, yeah. How long were you waiting for me?" 

"Not that long, I just finished talking to Takashi so are you ready to head home?" 

"Yeah. If I may ask, what do you and Takashi really talk about? Is it something I could know about?" Izuku asked. 

Kei thought back to his conversation with Takashi.

( Slight Flashback )

"So you've been having to act like Katsuki all week, has he appeared once?" 

"From what I've noticed, he hasn't really shown up since Monday. I feel bad for taking over his body, and I do feel a little greedy since I've been able to hang out with Izuku more than Katsuki has." Kei answered. 

"I understand why you feel this way, but you have to remember that Katsuki needed some time to just rest his thoughts. I think because of you taking over Katsuki's body this whole week–and because you've been able to spend time with Izuku more–this will help Izuku get closer to you and Katsuki altogether. But I do suggest that once Katsuki has managed not to want to hide anymore, that you and him should try and talk this out on telling Izuku about your entire disorder. I know it can be scary for people to know about this kind of disorder, but if you don't want to lose Izuku, I think you and Katsuki should try and tell her before it's too late. Believe me, when I hid my disorder from my closest friends, it was eating me up on the inside because I feared they would see me as a monster. But once I told my friends, they were fine with it, so I'm suggesting to you and Katsuki to soon tell Izuku about your disorder too." Takashi explained.

Kei knew what Takashi was talking about, but he had this fear of imagining how Izuku would react once she did find out about him and how he's been having to act like Katsuki, especially now. 

"Do you think... Izuku would believe me?" 

"If you honestly think she won't believe you, you should remind yourself that people have quirks that can manipulate their bodies to look completely different than be human. Do you really think she's not going to believe in this kind of disorder that you and Katsuki share?" Takashi asked. 

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