Chapter 3: Bad Weather

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I am in such an emotional state right now because I saw the special episodes, I LOVE MACAQUE SO MUCH! AND I CAN'T WAIT FOR HIS REDEMPTION ARC IF THERE IS GONNA BE ONE!!

*slight spoilers*

Dudes, that scroll in the end is sus. What do you think it is? I am open to theories for it!! Just please be mindful of others that haven't seen LMK or seen the special episodes yet please!!

Okay? Okay!

Anyways, enjoy reading!


(First POV)

It's already been a week ever since the DBK incident and finding about MK's powers. Lets just say it has been fairly quiet since then, even though I still get surprised by MK's new abilities.

I just finished my shift at Pigsy's and I'm now heading to Sandy's boat for some yoga and exercising. MK hasn't really been coming into work here lately, and I kind of don't blame him, but I am also a little pissed off at the same time, but I can't stay mad at him forever. Love the kid too much.

I was wearing a white T-shirt with black leggings and black sneakers. I also had my f/c yoga matt, my water bottle, and an bag with extra clothes. I was humming f/s (favorite song) as I walked up on Sandy's boat, when I heard the TV playing.

I stopped humming and looked up in confusion to find Tang, MK, and Mei already on Sandy's boat. I shrugged and went to the other side of the boat to place my stuff down as I un-rolled my yoga mat and gently placed it on the floor. I kicked my sneakers off, leaving my socks on, stepped onto the mat and started my stretches.

As I stretched I heard the TV playing the news in the background, "And in breaking news, it's been confirmed that last week's devastation was caused by the legendary Demon Bull King. Questions still remain about the small, overpowered young man who saved us all."

I kind of just ignored the reporter at that point as I finished up my stretches. I got into the first pose, the "cat" pose, as I heard MK speak to Mei.

"And then, I was like... 'Stop there, Demon Bull King!' And DBK's all like... 'You can't stop me! I'm craAAAAAAaaazYYyyyyy!' and then I grabbed my staff and whoosh! I created this giant mech!"

I then heard water leaking as I went into my next pose, "Ruh-oh! Looks like you sprung a leak, MK."

"MK stop breaking things!" I yelled at him, moving into the next pose.

MK squeals at my voice, "Oh, jeez!"

I heard feet stomping as I quickly glanced up to see who it was, "I just pulled a triple shift at the shop, y/n finishing hers, and I show up to see you've all been slacking off all day!"

At this point, I don't think I'll be able to finish my weekly yoga with all this noise. I sighed deeply as I stood up and went to put my shoes back on.

"Oh, Piggy, relax! A little time off never hurt anyone." Tang spoke, "Yeah, a time off never hurt nobody!" MK yelled happily.

"Wrong words my dudes." I quietly said as I rolled up my matt.

"Look out!" Sandy yelled, I looked up to see a crate was falling right over MK, for he didn't move out of the way, as it crushed him. I felt the color drain from my face as I dropped my matt. The cargo moved as MK busted through the lid yelling, "I am invincible!"

I sighed in relief as I walked over to the others, "Look MK, just 'cause you got the Monkey King's power and all, it don't mean--" Pigsy started but was cut off by Mei holding A FUCKING ROCKET LAUNCHER?! 

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