Chapter 17: Pig Pong Panic

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Hey! In this chapter there are some spoilers from the lore chapter I made. It's mostly at the beginning of this chapter but there may or may be some parts in this chapter that will have tiny bits of spoilers from the lore chapter.

So if you haven't read it and don't understand what it was saying, then I recommend actually stopping and going back to read the whole thing.

You don't have to but-

You know-

Also, make sure to comment your votes in chapter 16 at the bottom of the page! The top of the chapter will explain if you still haven't read it yet!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!


(Second POV)

Even though it has only been two days since you ran into Loong in the cave under the library. You haven't stopped thinking about what you found out.

You had a past life? As the white monkey woman you saw in your dream? And she knew about the Golden Lotus? She also knew Monkey?! You also don't exactly understand what she meant in that last memory, 'When you make peace with your inner demons, will the power actually work and follow your command'.

All this information was making your head hurt.

You just sat there on the ground of Sandy's boat, thinking deeply as Sandy and MK talked. You didn't really pay attention. You think Sandy was teaching him how to make tea.

It was then when a giant package wrapped in chains dropped in front of you, did you finally snap out of your thoughts.

"Jesus Christ! What the heck did Monkey send?" You asked as MK was trying to open it with a crowbar.

You watched him struggle to open the box with no effort into it for a few moments, until you started to get annoyed.

"MK, you're doing it wrong." You say as you stand up, taking the crowbar from his grasp, he just pouted at you like a child.

"I was getting there!" He said angrily, to which you just smirked slightly and rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, no you weren't." He just huffed at you as you stuck the crowbar under the edge of the lid of the package, easily lifting it open. Was it even nailed shut?

Suddenly, an envelope flew out of the box and hit MK straight in the face, causing you to laugh slightly. MK freaked out a bit, causing him to rip open the envelope, showing a note inside.

"'For MK'? Hey, that's me!" He said happily, grabbing the note, that was somehow floating in mid-air, and started to read out loud.

"'Dear MK, as you know I'm super busy on vacation. I got a special delivery, but I won't be able to get to it for a while,'"

"Classic Monkey-"

"Shush! I'm trying to read! 'You must not open it, no matter what, it's bad news. But, I know there is no way you're going to listen to that. So, I've also sent you a training blindfold,'" He spoke as he pulled out a blindfold out of no where, "'You must wear this blindfold all day, only when you truly learn to listen, can you take it off.'"

He then gasped as he looked at the blindfold with stars in his eyes, "My next power! Super hearing!" He yelled as he put the blindfold on.

You scoff slightly, "Honestly, I don't see the point in the blindfold. You don't exactly listen to anyone anyways."

"Hey! I so do too listen!" MK yelled, thinking he was facing you, but he wasn't.

You just snorted, covering your smile with your hand, "You aren't even facing me you dork."

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