Chapter 14: Revenge of the Spider Queen Part 2

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Okay, so really quickly, sorry that it took a bit longer to get this out, I'm kind of in the middle of being on a small road trip with my dad, so it took longer for me to start on this cause I needed to pack a few things and necessities before I started on this.

I hope ya'll understand!

Anyways, enjoy reading!


(First POV)

We all stood behind Sandy as Redson looked up at us, holding his stomach in slight pain.

'What is he doing here?' I thought to myself.

"Get him!" Mei yelled, glaring at chili boy. She then pounced on him, kicking him in the face as they fell backwards to the ground, MK jumping in also as Pigsy used Sandy as a weapon of some sort and pounced on him also.

Pigsy pinned him to the ground, as he yelled to get off of him, MK stepped in front of him, looking down at him with a confused glare, "What are you doing here Redson?"

"Yeah! Spill! You're one of the Spider Queen's henchmen now, huh?" Mei said angrily, also glaring at him.

"Henchmen?!" Redson yelled angrily, his hair erupting up in flames, causing everyone to be flung off and away from him. I just stood in my spot, watching all of this unfold, sweat dropping.

Redson stood, his hands balled into fists, a shadow over his eyes as he faced us, "Not that any of you, would care," he spoke, his voice full of anger, yet strained. He sounded really upset, I couldn't help but feel kind of bad.

"but my father was captured by that eight-legged freak!" He finished, composing himself as he cleared his throat and out his hands behind his back.

"So, if you excuuuuuse me. I'll just steal this ship and be on my way."

"Wait, what?! That's not-" MK started angrily, until he was interrupted by Redson groaning, shoving his face in his hands as he threw his head back. I raised a brow at his behavior.

"Fine!" he said, removing his hands from his face and facing us once again.

"Will you LET me, steal your ship so that I can go save my father, and ALSO THE WORLD, from the SPIDER. MENACE. Please..."

I stared at him for a moment, I then opened my mouth to say something, but I was interrupted by everyone else behind me yelling at him that he couldn't steal the ship. I just sighed, face palming myself a bit.

"I can't use mine! It's busted!" Redson yelled at us, a piece of his jet falling over beside us.

He sighs, "But, one thing that I do have, is this, Spider Queen's venom..." He then shoved his hand inside his coat, showing a small vile of what looks to be a green like substance.

"It's turned everyone into her slaves, but I can make an antidote!" He then put the vile back inside his coat, "But I need supplies, and the only place to get them is..." he then pointed up at the sky, making us all look up.

My eyes widen in realization, no way...

MK then gasped beside me, his eyes sparkling with excitement, "Space..?"

I face palmed, "He means the Celestial Realm, idiot."

MK sweat drops beside me, realizing his mistake, "Oh."

"Yes, butterfly girl is right, the Celes-" Redson was cut off by Tang going all fan-boy crazy at the mention of going to the Celestial Realm, giant stars in his eyes as he tried to get close to Redson, but I held him back by grabbing the back of the collar of his outfit.

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