Chapter 30: The King, The Prince, and The Shadow

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Good thing I got another book in mind right after this one, I also keep forgetting I have the Female Rengoku Reader book to actually focus on a bit heh-

Man, this is gonna hurt writing the last couple of chapters-

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy reading!



As the train rode along the rails to the outside of the city to the mountains, I felt an icy shiver run down my spine, making me shiver violently as I sat between Mei, who was looking out the window, and Monkey, who was just standing between the seats leaning against the wall.

The softest and faintest sounds of people screaming out in terror filled my ears and mind, I try to ignore it.

I could feel my skin under my gloves and sweater slowly freezing over, ice nipping at my skin. I wanted to curl into a ball to try and keep myself warm, or to even ask for someone to hold me, but I forced myself back, only slowly rubbing my hands up and down along my arms, my hands growing numb under my gloves.

Gods would I kill to be warm again, even just for a moment.

Every single puff of air I let out became a small cloud of frost, freezing cold air nipping at my throat and lungs, making them burn as I softly gasp for air, trying to keep my shaky breathing and gasping under control.

"Um, so um Monkey King sir? I don't want to rush you or anything but uh-" I hear Tang speak, but he was cut off.

"I'm okay with rushing him! What's the plan Monkey King?! We got all three Rings of Samadhi, so how do we use them to make the Lady Bone Demon go 'BOOM'? Is there a switch or-?" MK was frantically asking Monkey as he held the rings to his chest, getting in his face, but he was cut off by the train jolting a little bit, causing him to fall over and drop the rings.

In the corner of my eyes, I saw Monkey glancing over at Mei, which she too glance over at him causing him to quickly look away. "It's a bit more complicated than that, in order to re-forge the 'Samadhi Fire' we'll need to reach the summit of that mountain." He says, but I didn't exactly bother to fully listen to him.

"Huh, and that's where we find the fourth ring, huh?" I hear Pigsy ask skeptically towards Monkey, "Ain't that right...Monkey King?"

Monkey only stayed silent, I could see them both glaring at each other in the corner of my eye.

I then see Mei look down at my shaking form, "(Y/N)...are you okay? You've been shivering quite a lot when we left the city.." She asked as she sat herself down beside me.

She then placed a hand on my shoulder, which caused her to gasp and reel her hand back in shock, "Holy shit you're freezing! No wonder why you're so pale and that your lips are turning blue!" Her face then filled with concern and pure worry as she wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer against herself.

She felt so warm, but I couldn't truly feel any of it seeping into my body, I just lean against her, my head resting on her shoulder as I shivered violently, "I-I'm..f-fine.." I stutter out, more puffs of frosty air puffing out of my lips as I spoke.

"No! You're not fine! How long have you been like this?!" She asked, worry and panic lacing in her voice.

I didn't have the heart to say anything or that my teeth were chattering too much that I couldn't even answer, but I do know that I have definitely caught everyone's attention.

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