Chapter 21: Shadow Play

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Heck yeah finally-

I was waiting for this chapter-

There will be some lore in this chapter by the way! I'll also be changing up the pot of this chapter a little bit.

Um, I don't know what else to say for now so-

Enjoy reading!


(Second POV)

You were minding your own business washing the dishes while on your shift at Pigsy's Noodles, when you were loudly interrupted from your thoughts by an excited MK, saying that he found a poster of some movie he thought that looked cool.

Pigsy was minding his own business a the moment as Tang was sitting in his usual spot, eating a bowl of noodles you made for him earlier, so you were the only one at the moment to see what he was up to and what he was talking about.

You let out a small sigh, drying your hands off before turning to him, grabbing the poster from his hands. You looked over it carefully, part of the words on the flyer was blurred out and stained from what looked to be water, so it was hard to read the first few words.

But at the bottom of the flyer showed the address and what time the so called 'movie' takes place. It started around later tonight, it looked like they were only showing this 'movie' once.

Which was kind of weird to you.

The picture on the flyer also didn't look like it was some kind of 'movie', but who were you to judge? It does actually look pretty interesting.

You shrug slightly as you gave back the flyer, turning back to the sink full of dirty dishes, "Why not? It does look interesting."

You hear MK cheering in the background as you continued to wash the dishes, looking at the clock on the wall to your right. It starts at around ten o'clock and the restaurant is supposed to close by nine. You all can definitely make it.

Maybe you can invite Mei and Sandy too.



This place looked...interesting?

I sat in-between Mei and MK on the bleachers, looking around the room and the stage. Yeah, this is a play, not a movie. I thought the flyer looked weird.

"I'm so excited! I haven't been to the movies in ages!" MK said excitedly on my left, I looked over at him.

"Uh, kid. This ain't a cinema." Pigsy said as he leaned over to look at him, Tang getting in front of his face to speak, "It's a 'Shadow Play'...with puppets."

"Whaaa, puppets?!" MK said with a confused and slightly annoyed expression.

"Nooo! I thought we were seeing 'Kung Fu Monkey Cop: The Movie'!" MK said, holding the same flyer, showing the 'Shadow Play' on the back of it.

Huh, I didn't even notice that it had a back.

"You should've checked the back." I said, pointing at the back of the flyer, which he did. He growled slightly in annoyance, dropping the flyer.

"Oh Mei, (Y/N)! Isn't that the guy, that gave us the weird key?" MK whispered to us, making us look over his shoulder to where he was looking at. In the very back of the bleachers on the left of us, was the Mayor sitting with that creepy ass smile on his face.

What is he doing here?

"You mean the magic key that can unlock anything? Yeeah, I'm pretty sure that is him. I'm still pretty sure that isn't the mayor." Mei whispered back as the so called 'Mayor' turned to look at us, waving at us like a freaking robot.

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