Chapter 21.5: Walk Down Memory Lane

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Wassup, sorry that it's been a little while since I last wrote for you guys. I've just been very busy with life and everything, my schedule in school has changed slightly so I now have two new classes to try to catch up on before the end of this semester, but I now have over 25 missing assignments and quizzes to get done now and I'm just, mentally drained.

So sorry if this chapter is a little less...I guess detailed or something, I'm basically writing this part down while I'm in school and I'm still mentally drained at the moment so by the time you're reading this I may not be so mentally drained or something.

I don't know.

Anyways, yes this is a lore chapter, this may or may not have anything to do with the plot of this book. But I do suggest actually reading this, cause I do have a lot planned for this chapter this time, but you still don't have to read it if you don't want to or something. Also, this chapter may be a bit longer than all the others I've done, so there's that.

Quick warning: There will be blood and death! You also may cry as well-

Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading.



It has been a couple of days since the encounter with Macaque, and I've been thinking a lot since then, and I mean a lot.

I haven't really been able to focus properly at work and my surroundings due to thinking so much. Of course this didn't go unnoticed by Pigsy, MK, or Tang. Due to them asking me many times if I was okay, which I was, I was just not exactly in reality for a long while.

I finally decided this morning that I will call in sick for work, which I rarely ever do, and go down to where the library once was and see if I could find anything about Loong's whereabouts.

If Macaque said that he had no idea where she went, then maybe I can find her.

After MK said goodbye to me before he left for work, I quickly got out of bed and got ready, waiting for a few minutes for him to leave the apartment complex completely before moving to the fire escape outside the living room window, climbing down to the alley way below.

I peeked out behind the wall to see if MK was in sight, he wasn't.


I went the other direction so that I wouldn't pass by Pigsy's Noodle to the library, even though it was a longer route, if I can get there without being seen then I'll be fine.

It took about twenty-minutes longer to where the library once stood. There was construction going on around the giant crater where the library collapsed into, it looked like they've been cleaning out the hole of debris.

I sneaked passed some construction workers by hiding behind some of the machines before quietly climbing down the hole, carefully stepping down some rocks of concrete, dirt, and wood. There was some library books, covers, and pages scattered all over the place, all which were either buried, tattered, ripped, or even burned.

I slipped past some more debris until I came across the familiar stone staircase, which was slight cracked and destroyed. I walked down the stairs, being careful to not slip on some books or debris, the walls were slightly cracked and chipped.

I then approached the double stone doors, or where they once used to be, one door was completely destroyed while only half of the other barely stood, if I were to probably give it a small poke, it'll probably collapse.

I slipped and stepped passed the pile of stone, slipping inside the once beautiful room, which was now completely destroyed.

There was dirt, wood, and stone all over the place, even some concrete and metal from the city above. The waterfalls were now tiny streams of dirty water, the small streams along the stone path were practically dry and empty, the path completely cracked and chipped.

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