Chapter 19: Minor Scale

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How's it going?

Okay, so quick A/N, you know how you guys voted on who was going to be the character for the reader and what the gender was going to be for my other Monkie Kid book? (You can read the A/N on top of chapter 16, it'll explain everything if you haven't read it)

Yeah, so I got some more voting for ya-

It's basically where you guys vote on who the love interest(s) going to be for the reader in the book.

There can be one, multiple, or none at all. Hah, one-sided love-

It just depends on what you guys want of course!

And just like last time, the options will be down at the bottom of this chapter. Again, you guys have to comment down on who you want the love interest to be, and if you guys want multiple or none at all. And again, you can comment on multiple decisions.

You got it? Great!

Of course when all the votes have been casted when I'm ready to make the book, the plot will be made by yours truly based on your votes.

Also there may or may not be a lore chapter after this one-

Okay, I think that's all I have to say.

Now, enjoy!



It's been at least five days since I got sick, I was able to recover quickly and nicely, even though my throat was still a little bit stuffy and gross sounding, I was doing much better. Now, I'm back on my feet.

But it has been almost a month since we have last heard from Monkey with his, what was it called again? Astral Projection? Maybe something like that, but either way, MK was doing very well with his solo training. I was able to keep an eye on him every time, and I'm very proud of him.

But of course, he does miss Monkey. I do have to admit, I miss that furry asshole too...only a little bit. And since I'm not much help when it comes to MK's training, it's been very hard for him to learn anything new.

Well, except when he was able to shrink his staff finally, it took a long time, but he finally did it eventually.

I think it's been messing with him mentally actually, I can tell just by looking at him that he seems more sad and hard on himself. I'm starting to get flashbacks to when he was being trained under Macaque...

I cannot go through that again. So, I've been trying to help him train, even though I'm not Monkey.

MK and I were working on our shift at Pigsy's Noodles when he suddenly got an idea of trying to contact Monkey using the Astral Projection stuff. I wasn't too fond of the idea, but I'd let him try anyways.

And by god was it not good for his health, he had been trying to contact him for the past twenty minutes and had already gotten three nosebleeds.

Good thing there were tissues boxes.

At his fourth nosebleed, we were yelled at by Pigsy to take it outside so that the blood wouldn't get in the food.

I did take the tissue box with me when we went outside in front of the shop.

MK had to take a break because he was about to pass out from blood loss and a really bad migraine.

After the thirty minute break he tried it again, got his fifth nosebleed of course.

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