Chapter 4: Duplication

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Man, I want more of LMK. I hope they make a season 4, if they don't I'm sueing there asses.

I heard that one of the voice actors said that they are already writing the script for season 4, and that they got new writers for it! I'm not sure if that's exactly true or not, but I hope so!

Anyways, enjoy reading!

(Also the picture at the top is what the bedroom looks like)


(First POV)

It's been a couple of days ever since MK defeated Redson and took back the weather station, it has been quiet in the city so far, well not exactly quiet at Pigsy's.

It has been really busy here lately, MK has been in and out delivering orders while Pigsy and I stayed in the kitchen cooking up the orders. One of us having to constantly picking up the phone and writing down a new order.

It was finally an hour after lunch rush as I finally stepped out of the kitchen, a dirty dish towel around my neck, wiping my hands with another towel. Pigsy already gave the last order of the afternoon to MK as he quickly rushed out the door with it in his hands.

I moved my shoulders around as they made a few satisfying pop sounds, "Y/n, go ahead and clean up before you head out." Pigsy told me as he handed me a broom. I just nodded as I began to sweep the dining area, Tang of course hanging around as usual.

It took at least 20 minutes before I took a nearby dust pan and swept all the dirt that I have swept up earlier into the pan. I dumped the dirt into a near by trash can and put the dust pan and the broom back inside the closet in the kitchen. I went into the back room, quickly hanged up my work over shirt and apron, grabbed my purse and apartment keys, and dashed out the door, yelling a quick bye to Pigsy and Tang.

I needed to head to the grocery store because we were running out of food, I quickly opened up my messages to find that MK had texted me earlier.

Goober #1: Hey y/n! I am gonna get home late tonight cause Sandy wanted me to help him paint his boat! Don't stay up and wait for me!! :)))

Adult child: Okay! Just make sure you stay safe! And don't push yourself cause I am planning on cleaning the apartment today! I may need your help.

After I sent the text, I closed down my messages and opened my notes to my grocery list. I quickly called for a cab, when they arrived I told them to take me to the nearest grocery store.

It took a few minutes to get there, when we stopped I payed for the ride and got out, as soon as I closed the door the driver sped off.

(I'm skipping the grocery shopping part cause we all know that this part is boring)

(Time skip to back to the apartment)

I had already put the groceries away, and started to clean. Let's just say it took about an hour to do the kitchen and at least 30 minutes to do the bathroom. When I was done, I collapsed onto the couch, feeling tired. Man I am getting old.

I took a small break and decided that I was going to clean MK's room, that kid never cleans it.

I went up to his bedroom and opened the door, and must I say it was absolutely trashed in here. There were dirty clothes all over the place, some trash, and a lot of drawing supplies and papers all over the floor, his bed was also messy. I sighed as I stepped in and got to work.

I first started picking up the trash on the floor and his dresser and shoved them in a trash bag, then went and separated his art stuff with his dirty clothes and may I say he only has the same shirt and pants, so it was kind of hard to tell what was clean and what wasn't. When that was done, I quickly threw his dirty clothes in the bathroom to start washing later.

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