Chapter 25: Great Grand Dragon of the East

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We is back!

Sorry that it took a while for me to get this chapter out.

I've just haven't been mentally here for a while, at least the Q&A kind of helped me bring some of my motivation back to actually try and start writing down this chapter.

I kind of forgotten what happened last chapter so I kind of had to go back and re-read it, heh.

Also I'm back in school, but this is my last year, so after I graduate I'll be able to update whenever I want!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy reading!


(Third POV)

The plane was slowly sinking into the water of the ocean, everyone was stuck inside the cock pit, trapped. The room was slowly filling up with water as cracks spread through the glass and windows, the only source of light coming from the only few electronics that aren't effected by the water.

(Y/N) was seated between Mei and Wukong, water seeping into her pants, shoes and socks. She shivered slightly from the cold seeping through her body from either the freezing water or from the mysterious wound on her chest. She didn't like the small space that everyone was squished into so that they wouldn't drown.

Mei was slowly rubbing small circles on her back to try and keep her as calm as possible, knowing that she didn't like small spaces. Her low body temperature making the dragon-girl slightly worried, thinking the water was making her cold and sick.

Tang the sprung out of the deeper parts of the water, gasping slightly for air, "We're alive? We're alive!" He cried out in joy, making every one look at him.

The plane shook slightly, causing Tang to gasp slightly as everyone wobbled from the quaking, (Y/N) slightly falling over onto Mei as she caught her as MK fell out of his spot into the deeper parts of the water.

The glass cracked more, causing many small streams of water to flow in. Tang gasped lightly in worry as he looked around, the water levels rising quickly.

"Um, maybe hold that thought?" Mei asked nervously as she lightly pushed (Y/N) back upright into her spot, before another stream of water smacked into her face, a fish along with it.

Pigsy was sweat-dropping in fear as he stood up in his spot, pushing himself up against the frame of the glass, "Hoho, we finally get away from Macaque, now we all get to drown!" he yelled angrily.

(Y/N) looked around her, her anxiety and fear rising as she started to hyperventilate, clutching onto the collar of her turtleneck sweater. She slowly took in deep breathes to keep herself calm as everyone was starting to panic as well, everyone feeling the hot breath of death breathing down their necks. Well, except for Wukong, who was chilling out without a worry in the world.

"Monkey King, you gotta do something!" MK yelled at his mentor, shaking the water out of his spiky hair.

Monkey King just flicked the water off his hand with a small grin on his face, "Whyyy? A little water never hurt- Oh, right! Mortality." He said in realization.

Causing both MK and (Y/N) to glare at him.

An alarm started to go off as a deep creature like noise rumbled the plane, a giant shadow casting over and around it, causing Mei to whimper in fear, "Uh, what it that?"

"Something big!" MK said in fear as they all looked out of the windows to find the giant creature swimming around them.

"Everyone relax, pretty sure that it's just an old friend of mine coming to help out!" Wukong reassured the frightened teenagers.

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