Chapter 28: Cooking with Chang'e

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Okay, we is finally doing this-

I had some trouble trying to pick whether the reader should go to the moon with MK, Wukong, and Pigsy. Or if the reader should stay on earth with Tang, Mei, and Sandy and it would be a sort of lore chapter.

I had to use a decision wheel to help me make this decision heh-

And it chose the second option, so this is more of a lore chapter than anything, but there are some parts from the actual episode that are going to be in this chapter. I also have decided to change (Y/N)'s backstory a bit. So that it coordinates with future books and MK's past in season 4.

I hope you guys enjoy reading!

Also there might be the smallest bit of S4 spoilers in here-

Might be-



It was night time by the time we all stopped for camp for the night, MK was able to find the first ring before he literally crashed into the windshield of the van, which scared the hell out of me in my sleep.

I have no idea how the hell that happened, but hey, we got the first ring anyways.

We were all sitting around a campfire, I was sitting between Wukong and MK, Mk was looking over the map as we all watched a small TV across the campfire, which was about to air Chang'es cooking show. Sandy was taking a nap inside the van as Tang was sitting off to the side, looking over the ring and sketching it down in his journal. Heh, nerd.

Even though I was sitting really close to the fire, I was still really cold. I felt the heat of the flames against my skin, but it didn't warm me up at all. I was thinking of going into the van to grab a blanket, but I didn't want to seem suspicious, I know Wukong and Mei are already suspicious of my cold behavior. And not the personality type of cold.

Wukong was in the middle of roasting a marshmallow, a look of joy on his face as he pulled it out of the fire, which was a beautifully done golden-brown. I wish I can make my marshmallows like that.

I look down at the warm cup of tea in my cold hands, I hoped that the warmness of the tea would help warm me up along with the heat coming from the fire, but sadly, it didn't change a thing.

I can feel my body temperature dropping bit by bit each day, if this keeps up, I'd definitely freeze to death.

"Okay, so whoever made this map needs a lesson in how to draw good." MK said beside me as I take a small sip of my tea.

"One; Judgy much? And two; What do you mean?" Tang asked from his spot.

"None of these landmarks look like anything!" MK yells, his eyes squinting slightly as he looks over the map once again.

"Like okay, debatably this one where we got the first ring looks like DBK's fortress." He says as he points to the bottom right landmark on the map.

"And this beautifully rendered mountain range looks like some sort of, uh Lantern City. But tell me, what the fuck is this one supposed to be?!" MK yelled as he pointed to the top landmark on the map.

"Would you guys shut the hell up?!" Pigsy whispered yelled at MK, glaring at him before turning his attention back to the TV screen.

The usual intro for 'Cooking with Chang'e' played on the screen, I remember when I was younger, Pigsy would get me to watch this show with him all the time.

I took another sip of my tea, resisting the urge to shiver as Pigsy was dancing happily in front of the TV, wearing lots of Chang'e merch. Which I have no idea where it came from.

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