Chapter 34: Embrace Your Destiny Part 3

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How's it hangin'? If you guys don't know, I have finally got my laptop, so I can now finally write this last chapter! I don't really have much to say really other than I'm probably going to send the first chapter of the next book either today or tomorrow, I'm not exactly sure yet. But if I do, the title of the next book is called "Corrupted", so make sure you keep an eye out on my profile for it!

I hope you guys enjoy reading!



I look up at the giant mech as we drive closer, dodging many ice spikes along the way as we do so, feeling extremely intimidated from how big the mech was up close.

"Uuh, remind me again how we're going to destroy this thing?" Pigsy asks in the passenger seat, sounding extremely unsure about the plan now.

"Macaque keeps Sun Wukong busy."

"We break in, and find Mei!"

"Then we use MK's staff to smash that mech to bits!" Redson, Sand, and Tang remind Pigsy.

MK and I look at Tang in slight confusion, "But MK doesn't have his staff, the Lady Bone Demon does." I remind him.

"Yeah! The staff's practically gone!" MK agrees with me.

"No, it's not." Macaque speaks up, catching all of our attention, "Bone Demon's keeping it at the top of the tower, but I don't really see how a stick is going to be of any help-"

"Oh that's easy!" Sandy cuts him off, "We'll give her the ol' Monkey Mech finishing blow! MK always uses his staff to do that!"

"Even if it's just a big ol' stick, maybe it'll give you the power you need now to finish her!" Tang speaks up in determination.

Pigsy then places his hand on MK's shoulder, "This whole crazy adventure started with the staff, so makes sense that we should use it to end it!"

MK grins in relief, "Okay, I'm glad you guys said that 'cause I'm not gonna lie, I've reeaaally felt super incomplete without it..." MK says happily in relief, making me grin and roll my eyes playfully.

"Wait, what about (Y/N)?" Sandy suddenly asks, "Should she stay and help us get Mei? Or should she go with you and Macaque?" Sandy asks, glancing down and back at MK and I.

"Maybe you should stay-"

"No, I'm going with you." I cut MK off, making his eyes widen. "What?! B-But this part is more dangerous than you think! You should stay and help them rescue Mei!" He tries to convince me, I look over at him, giving him a serious and firm look.

"I want to stay and help them rescue Mei, I really do. But I think you and Macaque will need an extra pair of hands...Well, two extra. Plus, I trust that Redson will help them." I say with full confidence.

"Are you sure?" He asks softly, giving me a soft yet worried gaze. I just smile back at him, "I am a hundred percent sure."

He sighs softly, before smiling back at me. "Okay."


(Third POV)

Macaque then slams open the back door of the van, (Y/N) right behind him.

"Come on kid, let's go!" Macaque yells back at MK, starting to grow a little impatient, if they were to leave, then they need to do so right now. They don't have much time to waste.

MK runs up to Macaque and (Y/N) but stops for a moment and looks back at the others, they all give him encouraging looks and a couple thumbs ups, making him smile gently.

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