Sort of an A/N

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Hey everyone!

I'm sorry if some of you expected this to be an actual chapter.

And also sorry that I haven't really been posting or updating this book recently.

I've just been having some problems going on with myself, mostly mentally, and I am not exactly at the best condition to really write anything at the moment.

Because of this, I haven't had much motivation to update this book, or to do anything really.

It's not like I am discontinuing or dropping this book! I am not doing that!

I've just hadn't really had the motivation to write or update.

So, I thought, maybe to help me bring back my motivation was to have a Q&A!

Yeah, it's not much, but I thought that having an Q&A will help me bring at least some of my motivation back, so that I can actually start on that chapter that has been waiting for me to actually start on and finish.

So, you guys can ask me anything that you want, whether it be about me or even (Y/N)'s character, or Yume, or Loong!

But please, be polite or keep the questions appropriate, we don't want anyone to be banned or blocked.

You can ask as many questions as you want, and they can be for anybody on this list:

Author-chan/kun (which is me)




Or hell, even anyone in this fanfiction!

Just remember to keep the questions appropriate enough, please and thank you.

Anyways, I hope you all have a good day or night, and to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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