Chapter 27: Amnesia Rules

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I was able to count up the votes, and the Wukong Route won.

One of you even wanted to have both routes but on separate chapters! That is a good idea! I may have to actually think about that, but for now I am sticking with the Wukong Route.

I will think about making the Macaque one as well after this chapter. If I don't make it after this one, then I most likely have decided to not make it. Sorry.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy reading!



The sun was slowly starting to set over the horizon as I helped Pigsy and Tang pack up camp for the night. Sandy and Mei went with MK a bit ago to help MK try and get one of his powers back.

Pigsy was having some issues folding up one of the camping chairs as Tang and I carried a couple stacks of books and other supplies to the van. I climbed into the back first, glancing over at Monkey who was meditating once again, but he was glowing a bit brighter than before.

"Oooh! He's glowing! That's gotta be a good sign right?" I heard Tang ask behind me, I just shrug slightly as I set down the stack of books and small boxes on the floor against the wall.

"That's all he does! Glows and sits on his ass all day cause he's got to get his strength back, and APPARENTLY can't spare five minutes to help pack up camp-" I hear Pigsy say in annoyance but he stops as he squeals, hearing a crashing sound.

I jump slightly, looking out the doorway of the van to see Pigsy on the ground with the chair over him, seeing him try to push the chair off.

"Shsh- Pigsy, you know to never wake someone from a Transcendental Meditation!" Tang argued, the stack of books in his hands almost falling over.

I roll my eyes at the two as they bickered like an old married couple, moving my gaze onto Monkey. Seeing him so focused in his meditative state made my eyebrows furrow slightly, wondering if he's actually ever going to wake up.



I sigh softly as I shake my head, a small smile on my face. I then stand up and walked to the drivers seat of the van, starting the engine up. I hear footsteps climbing up into the back of the van, also hearing a few items being dropped onto the floor.

"Okay, is everyone here?" I call out.

"Yup, we're good to go kiddo!" I hear Pigsy call back to me in the back. I smile as I put my seatbelt on, shifting the gear stick and driving off back into the dessert.


"That's the trick to polin noodles, eh? You gotta use just the right prescind." Pigsy spoke beside me as he stood in between Tang and I. Tang was sitting in the passenger seat, snoring softly as droll dripped down the corner of his mouth.

I wasn't really paying attention to what Pigsy was trying to say to us, I was mostly too focused on driving. Why isn't Sandy driving actually?




Wait a minute, why was it so quiet?

"You guys actually listening to me back there? I feel like I'm talking to myself here." Pigsy asked, chuckling nervously as he glanced at the back of the van, I too glanced over my shoulder in the drivers seat.

"Guys? Why is it so quiet?" I call out to them, getting no answer.

Okay, this is creeping me out now. My grip on the steering wheel tightens, something is definitely wrong here. MK and Mei are NEVER this quiet, unless they are sleeping.

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