Chapter 24: On the Run

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I am so happy to announce that the female!rengoku!reader book that you've all been waiting for is finally published! Both the key items and the first actual chapter is now released!

So please, if you want to, after reading this chapter, go ahead and check it out!

Thank you!

Anyways, enjoy reading!


(Second POV)

As you all flew through the sky on Sandy's plane, you decided to change into some more comfortable wear.

You excused yourself and walked inside of the plane, even though it was pretty small on the inside, you knew Sandy had some necessities like clothes and other stuff.

You dug through a small cupboard close tot he floor near the entrance to the deck outside, grabbing onto a turtleneck sweater and jeans, that was just the right size for you.

You close the cupboard, turning around to find a small bathroom that you never noticed was there, but you shrug it off, stepping inside and closing the door behind you, of course locking it.

You changed into your new clothes, but you hesitated to put the sweater on, looking over at the small mirror over the sink, your stomach sank at the sight of a gaping hole in your chest, directly over your heart.

The hole was dark and left no traces of blood, the skin around it wasn't even red, it was very pale, showing a hint of blue in the skin as well. A few very faint but noticeable cracks running outwards of the hole.

You reach a hand up to your chest, gently touching the skin around the hole with your fingertips, you immediately pull your fingers away from how cold your skin felt.

You don't know what the Lady Bone Demon did to you, and you don't think you want to know.

You frown as you felt a small shiver run down your spine, pulling the sweater on.

You were glad that it hid it so well.



After I finished changing and folding my old clothes, I put on my jacket and stepped out onto the deck, finding Tang writing some weird shit in his own fanfiction, reading out loud.

"It was then, that the Lady Bone Demon played her final move. Even with the combined might of the Monkie Kid and the Monkey King, their all was simply not enough." He spoke in his dramatic narrator voice, making me sweat drop.

"The villain was victorious, plunging the world into darkness." I just roll my eyes, looking over at MK standing near the rails on the back of the ship. I walk over to him, "Now, any chance at hope, lies in the hands of a monkey and a kid who wishes he was a monkey."

"Mr. Tang! Would you quit it!/Tang, shut the hell up!" MK and I yelled at the same time, turning to glare at him.

Pigsy then snatched his book from his hands, making him gasp very dramatically...even though it was kind of funny.

"You've been reading your diary out loud literally all day! You're bumming everybody out!" Pigsy yelled at him.

"T-t-t- HEY! It's not a diary! I'm writing the next chapter, and very well too might I add." He said as he took the book from his hands, flipping to a certain page that I couldn't see.

"It might as well be a diary." I mumble to myself, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Heey, as long as he wrote down that whole bit of me fighting Nezha and getting this bad boy," Monkey spoke with the map in his hand, wearing a different outfit, "then we're good!" He finished with a small laugh, until Mei tightened the bandage around his head too tight as she was bandaging him, making him drop the map as he yelped in pain.

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