Chapter 8: The Great Wall Race

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I am so grateful and happy! Thank you all so much! I am truly thankful for everyone here that has enjoyed this book so far! I truly am!

Again, thank you guys so much!!

Anyways, enjoy!


(First POV)

I was in the kitchen as usual at Pigsy's making orders as Pigsy washed the dishes. It's only been about 2 days ever since I went to the library and found that book and that room. Lets just say that I never actually had the time to actually open it and read it, I haven't even really touched it. Business at Pigsy's has been really busy for the past couple of days.

The book is still in my bag, and I haven't really taken off the key necklace either. I haven't told anyone about what I found at the library, not even Tang. He did ask me about it yesterday and I just told him that I haven't found anything. I feel bad for lying, but I don't want anyone to know about this book and the key.

I had just finished up the last order for the shift when I noticed that the TV was on in the dinning area. I looked at the screen to see that it was showing about the race. This race is held every year, once a year, and the winner gets a peach trophy and gets there picture taken for something. I can't exactly remember, Mei has talked to me all week about it, like how excited she is for it and how she practiced all year for it.

Mei and MK were gawking at the TV for the race as MK said something about a Peach of Immortality? I think he meant the trophy and not an actual Peach of Immortality, Pigsy was a bit confused about it too when he asked. Mei and MK got upset and started yelling at him about it.

'Jeez, it's just a trophy.'

I kind of ignored Tang about how he went on about a sacred field of peach trees in the celestial realm and how Monkey King ate them when he was supposed to guard them. If there really is a peach of immortality here at the race, how the hell did they even get one?

I quickly washed my hands and took off my apron, and hung it up. I followed MK and Mei outside of the shop, Mei's motorcycle being out front already. I sat on one of the stools outside as Mei and MK talked about the race.

"This is huge! Those other racers won't stand a chance!" MK said excited as Mei cleaned her bike.

"Right? I know the track like the back of my hand. The back alleys, the front alleys, the sideways alleys...all the alleys! I was made for this!" She yelled happily as she posed on her cycle. I smiled at their enthusiasm.

"Yep! I'm totally going to win this thing." Mk said suddenly.

"Wait, what?" Mei and I said at the same time.

"You're not racing! I'm racing!" She said upset and angry, oh boy.

"You've been watching me train for months! This should not be a surprise!" Mei said as she stood in front of MK.

"Oh! Yeah. Uhh...I just though you were doing that stuff for me." He said, giving her an innocent grin. That doesn't make sense.

She glared him down menacingly, scaring him shitless.

"But upon reflection, yep, that doesn't make much sense." He said scared for his life.

"How would you even..." She grunted in frustration as she flailed her arms around, "There is no way you'd beat me."

"Uuuuh, I so too could beat you." MK said back as he sat up, "I'm a delivery boy. Pretty sure I know how to drive real good."

She just blew out a raspberry in frustration as Tang walked out of the shop, holding a tiny flag with Mei's face on it. They noticed him as they slid up to him, one on each side.

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