Chapter 16: Dumpling Destruction

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I want to thank: QueenxOfxRats

For giving me this opportunity to make another LMK fanfiction for you guys!

I personally asked her myself if I could make a separate LMK book inspired by her own book "Pure Smile"!

I know that the book is discontinued and taken by tanjiro_kamado20

But I wanted to try making a book of my own that's inspired by it.

That's where you guys come in!!

Yup yup yup!!
I want you all to cast your votes on who the reader should be! And if they should be male or female! (Example: Rengoku!Reader)

The votes for the characters of Demon Slayer will be down at the bottom of this chapter, ready to be voted. As well as the gender!
Please take your time to cast your votes, I will give you guys as long as possible to choose who and what gender you want to be! I do not know when I plan to have the book out.

Thank you to the people that actually stopped to read this A/N lol

Anyways, that's all I wanted to say, enjoy!

Side note: There also may be a lore chapter after this one, so be prepared for that!



I was working in the kitchen at Pigsy's Noodles with Pigsy, after a few weeks he was healed enough to remove the bandages and to move around again, which was nice.

MK was in the dining area, mopping up the floor as I served Tang another bowl of noodles, of course paying for him when Pigsy wasn't looking. He would go nuts if he found out I payed for Tang. Mei was in the dining area as well, taking pictures of MK with her phone. Which I have no idea why she was taking pictures, but it's Mei, what do you expect from that weird child?

MK had tried to get her to stop a couple of times, doing a couple of poses, as he tried to mop but failed as he dropped the handle, making it fall to the floor. I sighed quietly as I walked over to the sink, grabbing a wet bowl that was waiting to be dried and drying it off with a towel.

As I was drying it, I heard Monkey's voice calling out to MK, "Hey bud! Can you hear me?!"

It was quiet and echoed, but I was able to tell it was him. I looked around the shop confused, MK must've heard it too cause he was looking around as well, his eyes were glowing that gold.

"You feeling alright kid?" I heard Pigsy ask MK as he and Tang looked at him with a small worried look.

"Monkey Kiiid!" I heard Monkey's voice call out again.

"Monkey King?" MK asked as he stared at a spot across from him on the other side of the room.

"Monkey?" I called out, not seeing where MK was looking, but I could hear him.

"Heeey! There you are bud! Oh good you're- wait Lotus, you can hear me?" I heard him ask, he sounded so close yet so far away at the same time.

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