Chapter 15: The Sleep Bug

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Hey hey hey!

Would you look at that?! I'm back?! Well isn't this interesting! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Only for a little time though, I maybe on my fall break but you know how long it takes to make these chapters? A long time-

But that never bothered me cause I would do anything to make my book great for my fans to read O(∩_∩)O

Or, at least try to make it good heh (°ー°〃)

Anyways, I'm back anyways so that's all that matters!

I may be a little rusty when it comes to writing again, so please bare with me!  ಥ_ಥ

Also, for some reason, Y/N's fighting moments makes me think of the song "Dangerous Woman" playing in the background-

I hope you enjoy!


(Third POV)

Down deep into the dark tunnels under the sewers of the city of the Spider Queens lair, the spider queen was destroying and throwing some of her machines that were now deemed useless due to her being defeated on her take-over on the city.

She cried out angrily as two of her henchmen, Huntsman and Strong (Is that really his name?), stood on the sidelines, watching her tantrum.

"I had the Monkey King's power! The city was mine! And I still lost.." She spoke angrily, gritting her teeth in anger, a small girl in a white cheongasm top with two blue bone shaped buttons on the top, with a long black skirt that reached the floor spoke behind them.

"My queen, you will have your revenge. Now that we have the trigram furnace," she continued as a large furnace that looked like MK used to make the cure hovered beside her, "it is time to take the next step into your destiny.."

She opened her palm, a small blue flame emerged as it turned into some type of blue cube, a familiar key lock on the lid of the cube.

"And how is THAT suppose to help? Actually better question, what is that?" Spider Queen asked, pointing at the cube in her hand.

"The first of the six powerful items that we will need. It must be retrieved from 'the cloud'." As soon as the girl finished, Spider Queen's third henchman, Syntax, pushed himself in-between the two males. Knocking Huntsman over while he merely shoved Strong's arm out of the way.

"'The Cloud'? My queen, all me to break in and bring you this item." He suggested, a small smirk on his face.

"Oh really? And just how are you going to do that?" Spider Queen asked, unimpressed.

Syntax rolled up his right sleeve slightly, revealing a device of some sorts on his wrist.

"'The Cloud' is a labyrinth of information," Syntax spoke, pressing a button, a hologram layout of 'the cloud' of some sort, "an unrivaled collection of knowledge guarded by gruesome beings that can't be defeated by brute strength, or the ability to follow footprints in mud." He mocked a bit at the end, looking at Huntsman as he glared at the male.

"However! It is connected to all of the technology in the world, therefore I can exploit it." He tapped the screen on the device on his wrist, a small screen showing up in front of him as he scrolled down the list of what looked to be popular apps and games on devices all over the world.

"Has anyone ever heard of the story of, 'The Sleep Bug'?" He asked menacingly with a small evil laugh, putting in what looked to be some kind of virus on the list, activating it as it started to spread on all the other apps around it.

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