Chapter 18: Sickly Sweet N' Sour

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Man, a reader villain arc sounds good right about now-

So how is everyone doing?

Good? Great!

Bad? I'm sorry 😔

Do you wanna talk about it bestie-?

Anyways, this chapter may or may not be short...again.

So I'll try my best to not make it as short as the last chapter!

I hope you enjoy!

(Also yes, that is what Loong looks like at the top of the chapter. I drew it myself!)



Well, this is stupid.

I'm fucking sick. No, literally, I'm actually sick.

I have no idea how or what happened that made me sick, but here I am, sitting on my bed with three blankets wrapped around me like a burrito as I had a bunch of used tissues all around me. MK had made me some canned chicken soup before he left for work, which is not as satisfying as actual homemade chicken soup, but he doesn't cook really, so this will have to do.

I had a fever of 104 degrees, which is kind of bad, MK had planned to take me to the doctor during his lunch break which I am very grateful for, cause he never misses out on his lunchbreaks. I was deathly pale and I sound like I drowned in fucking cheese graters. Of course I called ahead of time to let Pigsy know that I was sick, considering that MK would probably get yelled at on why I wasn't there.

"ACHOO!" I sneezed out loudly, covering my nose with another tissue, I blew my nose into to try and get as much snot and mucus out of my system as possible. I sniffed lightly as I threw the now used tissue into a small bin beside my bed, not knowing if I missed or not.

I then heard a small knock on our apartment door, letting out a small and sickly groan, I slowly got out of bed, hugging the blankets close to me as I waddled my way out of my room and down the hall to the front door. I let out loud and gross coughs into my elbow as I opened the door, to find Tang standing at my door with a bag of Pigsy's noodles in his hands.

"Tang..? What are you doing here?" I asked quietly, my voice all gross and stuffy. He winced slightly from how bad my voice sounded, looking at me with a worried look.

"Well, I came here to stop by and take care of you for a bit." He said as I let him inside, waddling my way to the couch in the living room.

"Shouldn't you be at the shop? You know, freeloading?" I asked him as I sat down, hugging the blankets closer to myself.

I heard him gasp dramatically as he set the bag down on the small coffee table, sitting beside me, "For your information, I am a very loyal customer!"

"More like a loyal freeloader..." I mumble softly, grabbing another tissue from a small tissue box on the coffee table, sneezing into it.

"Father-like-daughter, I swear you two act so much a-like sometimes." Tang said with a sigh, opening up the bag to reveal two bowls of noodles, I'm guessing one for himself.

I just let out a small and gross chuckle, I knew exactly who he was talking about.

"Except you are much more scary when you get mad.." Tang said quietly with a small nervous chuckle, handing me a bowl with chopsticks. I smiled weakly at him as I take the bowl from his hands, the warmth of the stew warming up my hands quickly as I try, keyword "try", to smell the deliciousness of the noodles.

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