1 Tic Tac Toe

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"Hey hold this for me will ya sweetheart?"


You looked down at the small child in your arms in shock.


With your face in your phone, you hadn't noticed anyone pawning off their child, nor had you heard the earlier request. The boy in your arms didn't seem too worried. In fact, he sat with a blank face in your arms. Did you really just get a child dumped on you? Was that person going to come back? Maybe they just really had to use the bathroom... but they could have taken their kid!

"Um, are you okay?" You looked down at the boy, shifting him to sit more comfortably on your hip.

"I'm fine."

That didn't give you much to work with. "That's good...so, that was your parent...?"

"Yes. My dad."

"And he's going to come back for you...? Right?"


At least he was realistic with his expectations.

"So then we should just wait here?"

"He'll find me."

"Okay...lets go wait in this cafe then."
The kid insisted on sitting on your lap, which you allowed. You normally weren't much of a kid person, but this one was pretty calm and chill. Besides, it had to be somewhat scary being dropped into a strangers arms, even if he didn't show it.
"What's your name?"


It was meant to be a feminine name, though you didn't believe in all that. Besides, it had a good meaning. "Thats a nice name. I'm Y/n, it's nice to meet you." You held your hand in front of him, which he hesitantly shook.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" The waitress walked up.

"Oh, uh Megumi, do you want something?"

"Can I have chocolate milk?"

"Uhh, your not allergic to it right?"


"One chocolate milk and one f/l."

"Coming right up!"

You noticed Megumi eyeing the coloring sheet in front of him. "Do you want to color?" You pushed it toward him. He silently unwrapped the crayons, beginning to color in the fish. "What's your favorite animal Megumi?"

"I like dogs."

"I like dogs too." You nodded, "Do you have any pets?"

"Two dogs. Their mine, and fluffy." You hummed. "Do you have any pets?"

"Sadly no, my apartment won't allow them. I do pet one any chance I get though!"
Megumi nodded, scribbling green onto the fish scales. Soon your drinks were sat on the table. He enjoyed his chocolate milk while you enjoyed your latte. You relaxed, looking out of the window at the bustling city.

A paper suddenly blocked your view.

"That's a very pretty fish Megumi, you did a good job." You complimented.

He nodded, placing it back on the table and tapping the tic tac toe, "Can we play this?"

"Of course."

You were both so into the game that you ended up drawing more on the back of the page. So far it was 4-4 and you were on the deciding round.

You threw your head back with a groan, "Damn I though I had that one!" You ruffled the boys hair, "Well ya beat me, nice job."

"It was close."

You chuckled at his consolation. Daylight was beginning to dwindle, making you a bit nervous. You hesitated in questioning Megumi about his pickup, but you couldn't stay in this cafe all night.

"Megumi lets go."

You jumped at the sudden voice so close, arms subconsciously hanging onto the boy on your lap. A tall man stood before your table, with baggy pants and a hoodie on. His hair was dark, and there was a scar across his lip.

Megumi, however, did not get up. In fact, he turned his head away from the man.

"Megumi, he's your dad right?"


An irk mark appeared on the mans face, "Megumi."


You sweatdropped at the one worded argument the child put up. The man sighed, sliding into the booth seat across from you.
"I'm Toji."

"Y/n..." You weren't sure if it was your place to question this, but he did pawn his child off to you after all. "..do you really think its a good idea to hand your kid off to strangers? What if I were a kidnapper?"

"You took him out for chocolate milk." Toji replied blankly.

"Thats not the point! What if you hand him off to the wrong person one day?"

"He hasn't been taken yet."

You were starting to get frustrated. "That. Isn't. The. Point!"

"He's such a menace no babysitter will take him. I got a job to do." He huffed.

Menace? Certainly not from what you've seen. Megumi seemed like an extremely tolerable kid.

"Really." He grunted, getting out of the seat. "Megumi lets go, I'll make dinner."

Megumi huffed, stomping over to his dad. "Your cooking sucks."

Geez. I really got more than I bargained for today. '

Megumi was clean and healthy, he was at least taken care of in that aspect, but his father dropping him off with random people still made you uneasy. You sighed, the chilled breeze hitting your skin. Whatever, not my problem.

The Menaces Babysitter   Toji Fushiguro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now