23 Should I Stay or Should I Go

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After breakfast and Toji dropping Megumi off, moving day could begin.

You had saved boxes from moving before, though looking around you realized you wouldn't currently need many. "Maybe a couple kitchen and bathroom things, plus my desk...thats really it." You hummed, "I'll call for a storage unit later. We have to take the desk apart though, it won't fit in the car."

"You got it sweetheart." He folded the boxes up while you packed up the things on the desk. "You still going to the meeting later?"

You frowned with a huff, "Yeah, but I can't believe they told everyone where I live!"

Toji began taking the desk apart, "That's partly on me sweetheart, I should have-"

"Potato patato," You waved him off, "It's over and done with. There's no point it anymore bad blood. What should we do with Megumi? When we meet your family, are we really going to bring him?"

"You sure you really want to go there?" He glanced over, "You'll be hated just for associating with me."

"Oh shit." You froze, hanging your head back with a groan, "Shit I forgot. I'm supposed to RSVP to a party. The place you came to, that Daiki guy is throwing it."

Tojis lip twitched, "You really want to go to that?"

"No, but it's part of business relations. Gotta at least keep good face." You quickly answered yes on the email. "Sorry, it just popped into my head." Toji chuckled, watching you stroll up to him, kneeling down to be face to face.

You held his face in your hands, brushing your thumbs across his cheeks, "That's my choice to make, and I don't care if they hate me or not. I'm sticking with you and Megumi.  Plus, someones gotta tell them off right?" 

Indeed, someone did need to tell that family off. 

Toji smirked.  "Anyone on your bad side is doomed sweetheart."

Music played while you finished packing/cleaning up/answering urgent emails, keeping yourself busy until it was time to pick Megumi up. 

Meanwhile, Toji fought with himself internally. 

Why had he been invited? 

His first thought when you had told him about the meeting was, is it a trick?  Were they inviting you there to  take you hostage and lure him in? 
Or maybe they wanted to separate you both.  You could be handled at the school while Gojo sought after him. 
Him going along with you was the safest option for you two and the most dangerous for them.  That is, unless they have some trick up their sleeves that could reverse the roles.

All of that considered, should he stay, or go?

"Gumi I'm leaving!"  You called from the door.

Your lips pulled into a smile at the patter of feet running from his room.  Megumi attached himself to your legs, "When will you be back?"

"Probably just a couple hours, not long at all."  You ruffled his hair, "Be good, kay?"


Toji sweatdropped.

You giggled, "Get your homework done Gumi."

"Fineee."  He groaned, going to slump on the table.

Your eyes widened as Toji leaned his forehead against yours.

The Menaces Babysitter   Toji Fushiguro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now