15 False Confidence

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You had completely ignored what had happened before picking Megumi up.

Until you couldn't.

As the hours dwindled away and Toji made no indication of leaving, (after picking up the promised dinner) you assumed whatever conversation that needed to happen would happen after Megumi fell asleep.

And it would.

And you were nervous.

Because Toji was growing on you, but...to the point of a kiss?  Also, what the hell was that trying to convey?  Was he interested in a relationship or a hook up?  Or was it all a prank?  You were trying to act confident before but were coming to regret that.

While in the midst of cleaning up the kitchen Toji strolled in, his arms wrapped around your waist without hesitation.  You sputtered, "Toji..."

He chuckled, "Am I making you nervous sweetheart?"

"As if you could accomplish that." You huffed, setting the rag down and twisting around in his arms, "You said you're not messing around, so what are you doing?"

Toji leaned down,  "Not very romantic are you?"

"I don't play games if thats what you're after."

"I never said I planned to."

You frowned, "I don't believe that.  Tell me what you're after."


You cleared your throat, "Thats nice and all but I'm a little worried you're doing this for convenience, or just cause I watch Megumi.  You don't have obligation to me in that way, you know that right?"

Toji dropped his seductive tone, leaning back with a sigh, "You're not easy, you know that?  I don't do anything I don't wanna."

"'Cept if I make you."

He smirked, "Whatever you say sweetheart.  I want you.  Do with that what you will."

"I'm not completely sure about you, if I'm being honest.  But if you wanna stick around, we'll see?"  You suggested.

"If it helps you decide, Megumi asked if you could be his mom." Toji smirked, hands in his pockets.

"When?!" You cringed, quietly repeating, "When?"

"After field day. And every day after that."

You giggled, "Megumi is very cute but that helps your case in no way."

"Your tough sweetheart." 

"Tough luck sweetheart."  You kissed his cheek, patting it a couple times, "Now get out.  I'm sleepy."

As soon as he walked in the door and set the carrier down the crying began.  Megumi wailed so loudly it was sure to wake both the neighbors, throwing and kicking his little limbs in a fit.

Toji slumped against the wall, just a little ways away, sliding down to sit on the uncomfortable flooring.  His arm sat atop his bent knee, hanging his head. 

Everything was dark.  If felt dark.  It felt off.  It felt WRONG.  He felt wrong.  Uneasy.  Maybe it was just the crying getting to his head. 

Megumi, maybe feeling the turmoil from his Father, began crying more loudly.  More so screaming than anything. 

Toji rubbed his eye with his palm, reaching the other to sit on his sons chest, as he'd seen his Mother do before. 

Megumis tiny hands gripped the large hand with more force than one would expect, clinging onto it as tightly as possible. 

Toji watched with a blank, albeit tired, expression.

He never allowed himself to really feel what he was doing. Not for awhile. Walking down the street on a bright day, he didn't feel the sun. Throwing water on his face, he didn't feel clean. Holding Megumis hand, felt no different than holding a grocery bag.

He didn't question it at first. It just was.

But then, to feel those things, would it be a betrayal to his late wife? He couldn't help but scoff to himself. Said wife would drag him by the ear if he really thought like that.

But then, he really did feel a little guilty while fucking those other girls. He didn't feel guilty about you though. Was that okay? Maybe it isn't the exact same love he held for her as it is you, but something similar was definitely simmering in him.

Could he give into that?

There was also the fact that, though something was simmering in him, you seemed to hate his guts. Perhaps hate is a strong word at this point but...

You cared for his well-being and kept tabs, but was all that for Megumis sake? Megumi, he loved you too, Toji often thought more so than himself. Definitely so.  He had just recently come to terms with the fact that he was glad his son would have a mother figure. Something he yearned for as a child. Now, Megumi wouldn't go without that influence.

Your looks, actions, voice, personality, all of which had unsettled Toji at first was growing on him.  To crave when he left.

To miss.


get ready for the coming chaps


also happy soon halloween ill be dressed up as spiderman

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