3 Monday

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It was mid afternoon, sun shining brightly through the windows. You were clicking through emails on your monitor, rolling your eyes at the totally unnecessary ones.

Loud knocking at your door made you jump. No one should be here...maybe a neighbor? The lock clicked, door swinging open.

"Hey Megumi..." He stood with snacks and clothes bundled in his arms. "Wait, shouldn't you be at school?"

"Ah shit." Toji cursed, "Is it a weekday?"


He threw his head back with a groan. "No point in you going today. Mind getting him there tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure..."

"He knows his way around." You watched as Toji kneeled down, ruffled Megumi's hair and bid him goodbye. Afterwards, he began hurrying away.

"Wait wait hold up!" You scrambled outside. "Give me your number." You shoved your phone in his direction and stole his to put your contact in. "You know this really isn't how you ask someone to babysit."

Toji shrugged, lazily handing your phone back, "You offered didn't you."

You held back a few choice words. "No allergies?"


"Nothing important I need to know?"

"No." Toji replied impatiently, snatching his phone back. "I have to go." With that he walked off. Megumi stood stiffly outside the doorway.

After you finished folding and organizing his clothes (Megumi just stood quietly behind you munching on goldfish), you clasped your hands together. "I still have some work to finish, do you want to watch t.v.?" Megumi shrugged. "Do you have a favorite show?"

"We don't have t.v."

"That must be boring. C'mere, I think I heard about this one." You flipped through channels while Megumi settled on the couch. The cartoon had just begun a new episode, you handed the boy the remote, "You can change it if you like. I have to work for a couple more hours, then we'll find something to do, okay?" Megumi nodded stiffly, tucking his knees to his chest, nibbling the snack.

You hurried through work, trying to plan how to care for this child. Maybe it was a mistake to offer...realisticly, you had no idea how to care for a kid. You didn't have sibilings, never babysat, hell you'd never even held a baby. You glanced over at him, seemingly invested in the show. No, it would be fine. Assumingly, Megumi was somewhat self-sufficiant. And you were better than a person with possible ill-intentions off the street.

--Megumi's pov, past--

"Can I have water?" Megumi asked, tapping on the woman's bare leg.

She glanced down at him, bright red lipstick between her fingers. "Why are you asking me? Get it yourself."

"I can't reach." Megumi frowned, her snappy voice making him regrete asking.

She clicked her tongue, dramtically pushing the chair out from her vanily and stomping toward the kitchen.

She filled the glass, absentmindly handing it down. Megumi struggled on his tiptoes to grab it, his fingers brushed it and the glass was let go. His eyes widened as it shattered to the floor, a small piece of glass landing in the top of his foot. Beads of blood dribbled to the side, making his heart race. Tears streamed down his cheeks, crying but refusing to move.

The woman cursed, an ugly angered expression on her face. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She screamed. Megumi began crying louder, hands gripping the front of his shirt. She groaned, "Get out so I can pick this up! Stupid brat." She grumbled. Of course, the boy refused to take a step, unknowing of where glass lingered. "Go! Get out! I need to pick this up! Ugh, and now your dad's going to get back and see you crying like I did something! Stop crying!" She pushed him, forcing him to step back to not fall. Megumi let out a gut wrenching scream, sure that another shard of glass entered his foot. "Shut the fuck up brat!"

The front door opened.

"The fuck is going on?" Toji grumbled, looking at his son sobbing in the kitchen and the woman bent in front of him, her angry face molting to one of surprise.

She quickly stood, a smile on her face. "Its fine! Megumi dropped a glass."

Toji shrugged his coat off, "You gave him a glass cup?"

Her face dropped, "Well yeah!" She laughed, "It-its a normal cup to use! It isn't my fault!"

"I didn't drop it!" Megumi screamed, "I didn't!"

Toji's eyes widened in surprise, he had never seen in son in such hysterics. Keeping his shoes on he picked the boy up, taking him to the bathroom and sitting him on the sink. "Megumi quit crying you're fine, it's just a little glass." Toji spoke, digging for tweezers.

"It hurts!" Megumi sobbed, refusing to let his father touch his foot.

"Megumi. Stop."


Megumi shifted, watching you type quickly, before hitting a button and stretching with a sigh. Could he ask for a drink? You'd been so patient with him though, maybe that was pushing it. But you had been so nice. But he shouldn't bother you again. But-

"Need something Megumi?" Your soothing voice snapped him from his thoughts, looking at you with wide eyes. You chuckled, "You've been looking over here a couple minutes now. If you need anything just ask."

"C-can I have a drink?"

"'course, water or apple juice?"

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