10 Kiss n Make Up

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It was way to bright out.  Well, you had no windows, but you needed the ceiling light off immediately.  And an aspirin.  And maybe just a little more sleep.....

Before your could drift off again there was a knock on the door.  "It's so early go away people."  You mumbled into the cushion, beginning to drift off again.  That is, until the familar squeek of your door was heard.  Your eyes popped open, peeking over the couch.  "The fuck?"

"You didn't lock it."  Toji smirked.

You glared, sitting up on your knees, "Wipe that smirk off your face.  Don't walk in here like we're friendly.  Why did you walk in here?!"

"I said I would be back.  You just wake up?"

"None of your business."  You turned, sitting normally as he invited himself onto the couch.

"Maybe I should have done this while you were drunk."  He muttered.  "Megumi misses you."

Your eye twitched.  "What did you come here for?  To guilt trip me?" 

"Don't be so defensive sweetheart, I came to apologize.  I hated my childhood.  I hate my family.  You're right, I don't want Megumi to deal with the same things I did.  I left there for a reason.  And...his mom would beat my ass if she saw what I've been doing."  Toji paused.  "You're right about me being fucked up.  I'm sorry for calling you a bitch.  I appreciate all you've done for Megumi.  He's been an entirely different kid since you came around."

You kept your gaze toward your lap, "Thanks. Mm-I'm sorry. For calling you stuff too."
Toji stood, ruffling your hair.  "But-" You held his gaze, "-this isn't some kiss and make up.  I mean, I don't know if your bringing him back, but just be good to him.  He's a good kid and he deserves the best.  Actions speak louder than some apology."

"Oh?"  Toji cupped your cheek with a smirk, "You wanted a kiss too?"

"You're walking a very thin line."

"Always do sweetheart."  He grinned, backing away.

You rolled your eyes, clearing your throat, "So.."

"You wanna see Megumi."  It was said more as a statement than a question. 

"I was gonna thank you for getting me back, I'm assuming it was you anyways.  But sure, I'm sure little Gumi is sick of you."

A few hours later you ended up in front of Tojis apartment once again. "Of course it's number 69." After a few knocks without a response you rolled your eyes, "Tojiii! Megumiii!"

The door quickly swung open, a small form attaching himself to your legs.

"Hey Gumi, I told you I'd see you again." You grinned, ruffling his hair. He nodded, fighting back his grin, reaching an arm up. You picked him up, scanning the place. You'd expected it to be messier, but there wasn't much around to create a mess. The only kind of decoration was Megumi's school papers scattered around. "So what has little Gumi been up to? No trouble I hope?"

"I got supended." Megumi guilty admitted.

"Eh?" They suspend kids that young? "For what?"

"Fighting. Made some kids nose bleed." Toji grumbled, coming out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel around his waist.

You cleared your throat. "Damn Megumi! Why'd you do that?"

"They were being mean and you said don't let people be mean to me!" Megumi defended.

"Eheh," You sweatdropped, "well yeah but..."

Toji rested a hand on his hip with a smirk, "So you're to blame?"

"Wait wait I mean..."  You cleared your throat, "Anyways!  Wanna watch something Gumi?  Theres new episodes of that one show you like."

By episode three you had passed out, hangover no doubt still taking its toll.

"Megumi." Toji whispered, nudging the boy. "Hurry up while she's out."

Megumi nodded determinedly, intertwining his fingers until two dogs appeared in front of him. Once the curse wrapped around you caught their attention, it was clenched between their jaws in a second. You shifted, small sigh falling from your lips.

Toji walked toward the kitchen, grin settled on his lips.


"Megumi, time to take a bath."  Toji spoke.

The boy glared, cuddling into your side more, "No."



You pursed your lips, holding back a laugh.

"Megumi.  Now."


"Aww little Gumi, I'll save you from the big bag man."  You smirked, holding onto him.

Toji returned the smirk.

Yours turned into an uneasy smile as he walked over.

"Fine then."  He spoke, picking the both of you up.

"Wait wait hold on now-" You yelped as you were dropped into the bath, fully clothed.  "Are you serious right now?!"

"Since you both wanna be brats, give him his bath."  With that, Toji left the room.

Your jaw dropped, looking down at Megumi. "We're going to get him back, right?"

"Hm." Megumi nodded.

You got out of the bath, clothes dripping onto the bathmat. "Geez..."

You giggled as Megumi shaped his bubble beard, starting on yours.

"I'm gonna give you a big beard." Megumi said with determination.

You laughed, "We're gonna set a record for the biggest bubble beard!"


With careful craftsmanship, Megumi got your bubble beard to be two feet long.

"How do I look?" You shaped your face with your hands.

"Ravishing." Toji said with sarcasm.

"I know right? Best I've ever looked."

After his bath, you had pet Megumis hair until he drifted to sleep. Thankfully so, you were getting antsy to get out of these wet clothes. You carefully shut the door behind you, stopping in your tracks as something was thrown over your head.

"I better get that back."

You pulled the material off, realizing it was a big hoodie. "Psh, your the one who got me all wet. What, no pants?"

Toji patted your head, whispering in your ear, "Thats what I do sweetheart." He walked away with a satisfied smirk.

You glared, realizing what you just said. "Slut."

You made sure to lock the bathroom door before stealing a towel to dry off, changing into the surprisingly soft hoodie. "Petty." You mumbled, walking down the hall toward the living room. "I'm gonna get going kay?"

"See ya." Toji waved his hand back, gaze not moving from the tv.

You paused. "Um, I'll still babysit, if its fine."

"I'll bring him tomorrow." Toji smirked, looking back at you.

You stuck your tongue out, "Quit smirking at me you look dumb." You opened the door, "See you tomorrow."

You couldn't fight the smile as you jogged down the stairs.

The Menaces Babysitter   Toji Fushiguro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now