16 Sick

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Getting it down would be the easy part, but if he could just cough it back up...he'd have some worth as a sorcerer.  Not his own jujutsu, but at least the ability to carry a curse that can carry a magnitude of weapons. 

Toji dropped the curse that had bundled into a small ball into his mouth, quickly gulping it down. 

He just needed to get it back up.

Two fingers shoved down his throat did the job.



He panted against the sink, gulping the curse down once again.  This time, he tried to feel its cursed energy within his body.  Surely he'd be able to only heave the curse up, right?  It would be disgusting to do this in front of others.  He would have to try.

The rain hadn't paused since early this morning, and it still poured down heavily as Toji exited the grocery store.   "Megumi you ain't gonna be able to hold it."  Toji grumbled, nudging his son away from the umbrella.

"Yes I can."  Megumi assured.

"No Megumi."

"Plllleassseeee?"  Toji sighed, staring at him.  "I can do it."  Another sigh and Megumi held the umbrella tightly with both hands.

Fast forward to the next day, Toji sat in silence, the only sound Megumi's slight weazing.  Rather than handling an umbrella, his worry should have been bringing a kid in the freezing rain. He took the cloth from Megumi's forehead, dipping it in the water before placing it back.  He glanced at his phone at a ping, getting up and opening the door.

"I brought soup and medicine!"  You whisper sang.

"Thanks." Toji said gruffly. He seemed to be in a bit of a mood today, which you supposed cleaning up barf can do that to a person.

You sat the bag on the counter, "No problem. Did he sleep last night?"

"Hardly. Cryin for most of it."

"You can take a nap if you want." You offered. "I'm off today so I can watch him."

"What a doll, but I have some things to do."  He walked past, patting your hip.

You cracked a smile at the name, "What kinda things?"

"Secret things. I'll back back in a couple hours."

You sighed, "Fine.."

Toji chuckled, wrapping an arm around your waist, "Don't miss me too much sweetheart." He pecked your lips.

"Toji..." You grasped onto his shirt, deepening the kiss, "Be safe with whatever your doing."

There had been no word from Toji that night, the next, or the next.  Not only had he said he'd be back in a couple hours, he'd never gone this long without some kind of communication, or in the least a warning.  That combined made a lingering anxiety swell up to fill your chest.  You had a bad, bad feeling.  Even after trying to convince yourself it was just Toji being Toji.

As the last night filled with restless sleep dwindled into a tired morning the anxiety swelled into full blown panic.  Now you sat alone on the couch, phone in hand while your leg bounced. Nothing is wrong. Megumi is safely sleeping (you had already checked three times). The door is locked. Work is caught up. Dishes done, laundry done, floors swept shelves dusted-

You hurriedly unlocked your phone, clicking Tojis contact.

The ringing filled the living room.

You couldn't stop your eyes watering.

No response.

You tried again.

And again and again and again-

You realized he wasn't going to answer.

You looked ahead with furrowed brows.

His location!

No luck.

What other way could you-

You scrolled through your contacts, eyes widening.

You had saved his number just in case.

He picked up on the third ring, "Hello?"

"This is Y/n, I was with Toji before?  I came to pick Megumi up?"  You attempted to jog his memory.

"Oh uh-yeah..."

"Where's Toji?"

"I believe he's working on a job."

"No shit." You snapped, "Where is he, physically."

"I'm afraid I can't-"

"Don't give me that. Tell me or I'll hunt you down and slit your throat."


"I don't have all day! This is an emergency, Megumi he-" You sniffled, letting out a few cries.

"Alright alright! He's at jujutsu high. But I really recommend you don't go-"

"Send me the address."

He sighed heavily, "Fine."

You huffed, anxiously waiting for the message.

Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School. A private religious school?

The hell is he doing there?

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