17 Monster

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i seen some confused ppl with the relationship with toji, so the agreement that he would stick around isn't like being a couple, its more casual so thats where the kissing comes in that surprised some ppl :)

20 minutes.

Hope had secured in your mind as you hurriedly bounded into the bedroom, waking Megumi.

"Hey I have to run to the store but I'll be right back okay? You can eat anything if you get hungry and the remote is on the couch." You kissed his forehead.

"M'kay." He mumbled tiredly.

"Don't let anyone in, keep the door locked."

"'Kay." He grumbled, rolling over.

"Okay." You spoke, gently shutting the bedroom door before rushing to grab your things.

15 minutes




"You have arrived at your destination!"

It was pretty hidden for a school. The road leading up was long, however that wasn't the half of what caught your attention. There were loud bangs, along with the shuddering of buildings. Construction maybe? But...that didn't feel right. Perhaps, if you hadn't felt such panic, you'd have stayed away from whatever danger it was.

As you got closer and closer the adrupt sounds had quieted. Soon you camd upon a destroyed area, a lone person laying in the middle of it.

"Holy shit.  Shit!  Shit!"  Your eyes widened. Was that blood? So much of it...

Rushing over, a gasp left your lips. The boy had white hair which was stained with red, and disgustingly, a gaping hole in his neck. However....the torn tissue, muscle and such seemed to be reattaching. Despite the deadly injury, his chest rose and fell rhythmically.

"Ahhhh..." You spoke frantically, "What the fuck?!"  You flinched as a bang sounded a little ways away.  "Okay...I can't help you so I'll come back and check on...whatever your doing. I'm-I'm sure you'll be fine!" With those reassuring words you headed toward an archway. With the slope you assumed it was taking you underground. A nerve wracking thought. But you were here, no backing out now.

The hall opened up to a vast area with four people.


A black haired boy.

And two girls.

Toji fought against the boy and you realized you must be hallucinating. What were those things attacking Toji? Monsters? No, theres no way your brain could create something so elaborate.

Before you could consider anymore, Toji was bested by one of the monsters.

You couldn't help but scream his name.

You realized what you had done almost instantly.

Everyone froze. Tojis face scrunched up, a mixture of confusion and pissed.  He easily disposed of the monster. Before anyone could react, one of the monsters twirled you around in its tail, a sharp claw setting against your neck.

The boy spoke, "Give me your gun. Or else her head will roll."

Your breath hitched.

What is going on? What are these things? Fighting? Guns? Monsters?! Why is he going after Toji? No, is it the other way around? Is this his line of work? What line is this?!

The Menaces Babysitter   Toji Fushiguro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now