5 Curse

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It had been a long day and it was only 1pm.  The client you just before met with was being more difficult about things than needed.  Despite your exemplary work, and his colleagues having no problems with it, he had felt the need to show off or something and nit picked at anything he could.  Not not normal for boss men to act in such a way.  However, as you met at the early time of 5:30 am (waking even earlier) you were in a particularly tired and grumpy mood.  It ended with you threatening to leave, both yourself and your work.  The coworkers quickly put up a vote, leaving the boss no choice but to shut up, take the work, and hand over the money. 

Now that your anger was gone, the tiredness crept further in.  The motion of the train didn't help.  You were a sucker for falling asleep in any transportation.  Of course normally you tried to keep vigilant in these situations, but, you were just...

...so tired...

"You're more stupid than I thought, falling asleep here.  In a skirt no less."

You jolted up at the familiar voice.  Blurry vision focused on the dark haired man standing in front of the seat. 

"Toji?  What're you doing here?"  You grumbled.

"It's public transport, why don't you guess."  He said dryly, watching you struggle to wake. 

"God your a dick."  Huffing, you straightened your slouched form.  You suddenly felt very uncomfortable, not from the large man leaning over you, but...something...  Squaring your shoulders, you brushed it off, turning attention back to Toji.  "How's Megumi doing?"

"Per usual.  He's a grumpy kid."  He shrugged.

"He isn't that grumpy, only sometimes." 

For a long time now, well a couple weeks at least, you'd been thinking about the two.  Toji sort of hauled Megumi around like luggage.  And Megumi of course felt that lack of affection.  You felt for the boy, you wished Toji was more loving toward him.  But maybe that just wasn't his personality.  That really isn't an excuse though.  Then, maybe Toji just didn't know how to properly emotionally care for a child.  Maybe he was never taught or shown familial affection. You nodded to yourself.  People raised that way really did go one of two ways.  

"Toji, where are you from?"

His head smoothly turned toward you, brow slightly raised.  "Here.  A bit out of Tokyo." 

Would tiptoeing around or bluntness work best on this man?  "Are you from a large family?"

"I don't associate with them."  He rested his hands on the railing, dropping his top half down.  "And I kept my wife's last name, so don't bother searching."

His wife!  Where was she-?

"She died soon after birthing Megumi."

Your eyes widened, guilt bubbling from bringing the subject up.  "Sorry.  I'm sure it's hard for you."

He chuckled, "Don't look so guilty, It's been years now."

A muffled voice echoed through the speakers, letting you know it was your stop. 

Being mid-day on a week day, the stands for the horse race weren't crowded.  You stood behind Toji while he placed his bets, feeling a little woozy and regretting coming along.  But you couldn't pass up this opportunity to get more information out of him. 

"You coming?"

Your eyes had completely unfocused, though you were brought back to reality by his call.  "Mmhm.  Which did you bet on?"

The seats he lead you to were right in the middle of all the bleachers, forcing you to clumsily go down the stairs and plop into the plastic seat.   "Do you come here often?"

"I gamble often, if that's what you're asking." 

You rolled your eyes, "I wasn't actually.  But since you gave yourself up, that's no where near a responsible way to spend money." 

Toji's lip twitched upward, the side with the scar, "Is it more responsible to buy stuffed animals and name them?"

"If its for your child, yes."  You defended.  Maybe it was the sun, but it felt a little harder to breath.  "By the way, what is it you do for work?  You've gotta get payed a lot if you don't work often."

"That's a secret."  He fully smirked, "And Megumi will keep quiet, so don't try."

You huffed, "Stop anticipating what I'll do.  You know, Megumi likes me so maybe I'll weasel it out of him.  Kids are very bribable."

"You can try."  Toji said confidently.  Again, you rolled your eyes, for a moment focusing on the beginning race. 

"Can I make a bet?"

Toji's eyes slithered over you with interest.  "Depends."

"If you win I get to ask some...personal and possibly rude questions.  And you have to answer and listen to my feedback." 

That didn't seem to be what he was expecting.  But, Toji was a gambler.  "Alright."

You suddenly gasped, hand shooting to your waist only to clutch your clothing.  Your stomach felt quesy, your throat tightening.  "T-toji, is there anything on me?  Like a bug or something? "

"Just yourself, Sweetheart."  His lip twitched in an annoyed manner. 

Your brows furrowed, a shudder wracking your body.  A vibration begun from your pocket.

You blinked rapidly, the strange feelings evaporating into thin air. You answered the call with a quick 'hello?' After no response you tried again, only for a piercing high pitch to sound.

Yelping, the phone clattered to the ground while you held your ringing ear.

-toji pov-

Apparently his eye contact with the curse caused it to start acting out. It was a dumb grade four, nothing special, though it'd been acting quite devious since becoming active. Squeezing your breasts, staring at him all the while.  After arriving at the stadium its snake like form began tightening around your waist and neck, the cause for your obvious unease, despite trying to hide it.

Most interesting, your Jujutsu had begun flaring as it settled around your body. Likely another cause of why it began acting out. As your emotions turned more negative with its bothering, it fed off the jujutsu.

Your jujutsu behaved differently than Toji had seen before.

"The hell was that?"  You mumbled, picking the phone and sighing in relief at the smooth screen.

When he'd first met you at the cafe, your jujutsu acted like tendrils poking at his arm but recoiling.  They did the same with Megumi and everyone else you passed by, though they didn't seem as disgusted by everyone else.  He had never seen jujutsu act with such a mind of his own, what was it feeling around for?

The curse squealed happily, squeezing around you again.  You shifted uncomfortability, "I don't feel well," You stood, "let me know who won the bet."

Toji grunted, watching you leave from the corner of his eye.  He could exorcise the curse had he had a weapon on him, but, an explanation would have to follow if he suddenly slashed a knife next to you.  

Not his problem.


hellooo!  im getting excited for some off the things to come in this story i hope u are too ;)

also excited for the few ppl that have begin reading and voting, please continue to do so and have a good day sweetheart!

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