9 Drunk n Sober

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The Next Saturday.

Despite the...hesitant feelings toward your mother, you could never seem to completely rid her from your life.  Such inability brought your here today, sitting in a restaurant, alone, 20 minutes past the meeting time.  The woman was never on time. Another thing about her? She never went anywhere alone.

You grit your teeth as she walked in with her husband, mood instantly becoming sour. "Of course." You muttered.

"Hey hun!" She slid into the booth, "Sorry we're late traffic was crazy." She chuckled.

"I know right?" You said absentmindedly, scanning the drink menu.

"So hows it going?"

She wouldn't be apologizing for the earlier scuffle, and neither would you.

"I tried this new recipe that was really good last night."

That's how it goes.

"Yeah? You should send it to me."

One of you would snap, storm off, and ignore it had even happened the next day.

"I will. What are you going to get?"

It had built into a mountain of resentment and surface level conversation.

"I don't know...I'm between the chicken parmesan or this wrap sounds good..."

Granted, you thought such toxic behavior was something you only indulged in with her. Any problem at work you faced head on. But, you'd indulged with Toji.

Maybe some habits are hard to break.

After a rushed dinner you drove yourself to a nearby bar, drinking as much as fast as you could.

And now, you stared at the bartender with a pout, shot glass sliding back and forth. "Nother one peas?"

"I think you're about nearing the cutoff babe." He sighed, pouring a small shot.

You tipped it back, rolling your shoulders, "M'not bein loud."

"Yeah well, you would be falling sideways if that seat didn't have arms." He shook his head, putting together a different drink. "You got someone to drive you home or you need a cab?"

"Yous ruinnn it." You grumbled, turning around to watch a few people play pool. You could hardly pay attention to it though, mind becoming a cloudy haze.

"Hey baby, what's your name?" A man slid next to you, two drinks in hand.

"Hm?" You glanced over, oblivious to his flirty tone in your current state.

"Drink?" He held up a pretty looking cocktail.

It seemed to take you a moment to realize he was offering it, "Me?"

"Well yeah, I don't see anyone prettier in this place." He smiled.

"Hmmm..." You glanced over the room, finding a woman dancing by the jukebox, "She's preie."

The man faltered, "Well-uh-yeah but..."

"Go find another girl to drug up, kid." A deep voice grumbled.

Your head whipped over, "What-Shoji?" Your brows furrowed. "Nooo."

"Excuse you? She's with me guy." The man spoke up.

Toji rose a brow, staring him down. The man skittered off.  "Dumbass."

You glared, "Dat was my fren! Ur dum!"

"Yeah he was real friendly." Toji looked down at you, interest sparking. This wasn't a state he'd expected you to be in, much less publicly.

"Wat you want?" You crossed your arms, leaning back in the chair. "Asshat."

"I heard you saw Megumi last week." He mentioned, leaning against the bartop.

Your lip began trembling, "Gumi was so sad, it maes me feel bad."

"Don't cry sweetheart, you'll make me feel bad." Toji cradled your cheek.

"Yes right." You said sarcastically, moving away from him, "You shuld."

Toji smirked, "Yeah, maybe."

"Tch, call me ann motional bitch, you shuld!" That obviously didn't come out at intended, but Toji caught the gist. The bartender glanced your way.

"You're real drunk."

"So wat! Mm drunk, but ur a liar." Toji said nothing, looking at you with a look you couldn't place. You stuck your tongue out and pulled your eye down, "Asshat."

He smirked. "Give me your keys."

"Pft, why? So you steal my car?"

"You don't plan on driving yourself home do ya sweetheart?" He held his hand out.

You huffed, slamming your bag, keys attached, into his chest, "Fine. Don steal my moneys." You pointed your foot down, feeling for the floor as you slid from the chair. And that was a far as you got. Trying to take a step resulted in Toji throwing an arm out, you slumping over it.

"Fuc of, dick." You pushed him away, attempting to steady yourself.

Toji shrugged, walking toward the door.

You stayed put, glaring at his back.

After a few steps he backtracked, wrapping an arm around your waist. You grudgingly walked.

Once in the car you completely leaned your body toward the door, arms crossed. The ride ensued in silence, mostly because you passed out.

Toji threw you over his shoulder, making the steps up to your arpartment.

"Mmmmm." Your eyes blinked open, seeing concrete. This was making you quesy. You attempted to scooch your body back upright, it was successful as Toji changed to holding you bridal style, unlocking the door. "Toshi..."

"Hm." He grunted. You didn't answer, pinching his shirt and watching it snap back.  The game was interrupted as your feet touched the floor, head against his chest.

"Toji..."  You breathed in harshly through your nose as his lips were pressed against yours, eyes sliding shut.  His hands cradled your back and neck, keeping you upright.  Slowly, he sat you back on the couch, pecking your lips once more before pulling away. 

"Sorry about that sweetheart."  Toji swiped his thumb over your bottom lip.

"Does 'is mean ur not mad any more?"  You mumbled quietly. 

"That sounds like a sober conversation."  He patted your cheek, "Night sweetheart. See ya tomorrow."

The Menaces Babysitter   Toji Fushiguro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now