4 Paper Under the Magnet

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The monitors went black and you rolled your chais back, making Megumi look your way.  You grinned, "Its three o'clock, what do you say we find something fun to do?"

You'd ended up walking the city, making sure to hold Megumi's hand to not loose him.  You were in a part of town with little shops on each side of the road, the road didn't allow vehicals, so it was only people walking or biking.  Passing a boba shop, you paused before backtacking.  Megumi looked at you with confusion. 

"Do you like boba?"

Megumi used both hands to hold his drink, so you let him walk slightly in front of you.  A brightly colored shop was coming up, catching the boys attention, however he didn't stop for it.

You placed your hand on his head dirrecting him through the door.  He hid his smile behind the boba straw. 
To be totally honest, this store was getting you excited.  The little stuffed animals were all so cute, making you more than once pick one and show it off to Megumi.  You ended up finding one that looked like a grey wolf.  "Look Megumi!"  His eyes sparkled, petting the soft material.  "Do you like it?"


"Here, lets go checkout."

You both continued the peaceful walk down the street, the sun warming your skin.  Megumi tightly clutched his drink and stuffed animal in his arms.

You placed some food from the pan on a plate, giving it to an eagerly waiting Megumi.  "Hope you like it.  After this how about you take a bath and bedtime?  Sorry for the rush, I didn't realize we were out so long."  You chuckled.

"Can I have more first?"

You looked at the empty plate in shock, "Oh-yeah."

Once Megumi had a full tummy, you ran a bath and let him clean himself (afterwards you did have to help him turn his shirt around) before laying him down in your bed, stuffed wolf in hand. 

"You have a nightlight?"  Megumi spoke, eyeing the little octopus that lit up. 

Your cheeks warmed, "I do..."

"I like it."

"Thanks."  You chucked,

--next morning—

The night had gone well, as had getting Megumi ready for school despite his complaints about waking up.

"So whats for breakfast? Maybe an omelet? I do need to use these veggies before they go bad."

"What's that?"

"You whisk your eggs up, place them in a pan, and add basically whatever you want to them."

"Can I have ginger?"

"Mm, sounds good." You nodded.

Despite him having only been there for a day, and being mostly silent himself, it felt quiet without little Megumi. Your screen droned on and on with emails with more projects than you could even hope to manage. It made you feel a bit hopeless and overwhelmed.
Your job, or rather jobs, were meant to be relaxing, yet the workload made it anything but. You were mostly a designer. AI interior design, websites, posts, the sort and the occasional editing project. You had your own brand as a freelance worker, at least giving you more freedom than a normal job would have.

Before you knew it, the alarm to pick Megumi up rang out, piercing your concentration. You hurriedly saved the document, threw some shoes on and sped out, not wanting to be late.

Upon arriving you realized you hadn't needed to pick Megumi up.  Toji was already here, ignoring the weary glances the mothers gave him.  He rose a brow on your arrival.

The Menaces Babysitter   Toji Fushiguro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now