28 D Day

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"It doesn't start until late evening, what will we do with Megumi?"  You questioned. 

"He's been left alone before."

One look from you and it was realized that would not be happening.  "What if we asked Gojo, or, I ask?"

Toji groaned.

You rolled your eyes, "Don't be dramatic.  I'd be paranoid if anyone else were to do it.  Especially someone random."

He supposed he could understand that.  "Fine."

Yaga had given you the number, which rung throughout the apartment. 


It sounded like Geto answered instead, maybe for the better.  "Hey, this is Y/n."

"Oh, this is Geto, what can I do for you?"

"I have a little favor."  You said hesitantly, "I have a gathering to go to  for work, so I was wondering if maybe you or Gojo wouldn't mind watching Megumi?"

"Oh, sure.  You can bring him by the school."

"Are you sure Gojo won't mind?  We'll get back a little late."

"Hmm, it's no problem.  He's a nice kid.  He can even stay the night if that's alright."

"Eh?  You sure?"

"Of course.  I think both Gojo and I could use a break from jujutsu and do some fun things."

"I'll run it by him then, thank you."

"No problem."

"Who was that?"  Gojo questioned, throwing a snack Getos way.

"We're going to babysit little Megumi."  Geto grinned.

Gojos face dropped.  "Nuhuh.  No way.  I don't wanna do that!"

"Yeah huh.  It'll be fun!  Besides, you almost killed his dad, the least you can do is entertain him for a day."

You had packed Megumi a bag with a change of clothes, his nightlight, snacks and a homemade dinner for all three. 

The three of you met with Gojo and Geto at one of the buildings, a look of apprehension on Megumis face. 

Geto waved, "Hey Megumi, we've got some fun things planned!"

Megumi only hummed quietly.

You crouched down, holding his hands between yours, "Once you get sleepy, call and we can figure out if you want to spend the night, okay?"

"Mhm."  He nodded.

You kissed his forehead, "Bye Gumi, see you later." Standing, you nodded to the two boys, "Thank you."

With it being a formal party, both you and Toji were dressed nicely.  You'd even forced him to slick his hair back again.  Granted, neither of you really wanted to be here.  You'd much rather have passed out on the couch after a good meal.  In the least, Toji would be some good eye candy for the night. 

"Oh Miss Y/n!  How good to see you again!"  Abby greeted. "How are you?  You as well Mr Toji?"

You smiled, "I'm doing well, Abby, it's nice to see you as well.  How have you been, I trust Daiki has been treating you well?"

Her face dropped slightly, "Oh, heh, um, yes very well! Um, would you like me to show you to your seats? I hope you don't mind, I sat us beside eachother..." She smiled nervously.

"Of course not, you're very pleasant."
She nodded happily, leading the way.

You took the time to observe. The hall was big, fitting for the population of the party.  Fake gold decorations and gaudy colors, seat covers that made you cringe, and centerpieces that were way to big.  You definitely could have decorated this better.

The Menaces Babysitter   Toji Fushiguro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now