11 Bet won

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"Me-gu-miiii~"  You sang, catching him as he lept into your arms.  "How was your first day back at school?"

Megumi shrugged.

"Yeah fair."  You grinned, "How about a special treat as celebration?"

Toji cleared his throat, "A celebration for getting back from suspension?"

"Lets not think too hard."  You waved him off.

"Can Dad come too?"  Megumi asked.

"Whatever you want Gumi."  You sat him down, "Let me grab my bag and we can go.  Think about what you want!"  You disappeared into your room.

Megumi looked at his father, "Will you come with us?" 

You popped back behind Megumi, a pleasant threatening smile on your face.

Megumis place of choice was a restaurant famous for their soy ginger yakitori (skewered chicken/kabob).
It was a nice place, with steady chatter and sizzling plates.  You and Megumi sat on one side of the booth and Toji on the other. 

"Tic tac toe Gumi, are we gonna have a rematch?"

"Yeah!"  He nodded.

You won two out of three. 

"Now you guys have to play."  Megumi said, pushing the paper in the middle of the table. 

Your eye twitched.  "Mkay."

It was a tie.  Not as satisfying as winning would have been, but still, you sent Toji a little smirk. 

"Thank you, here's the bill whenever your ready." The waitress spoke.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?!" 

You froze, slowly turning toward the voice.  "Mom..?"

"Oh my who's this handsome man? 
Don't tell me she's had a boyfriend and didn't tell me?"  She giggled.

"No no no-"

She held a hand out, "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n's mom."

Toji took her hand, cradling it softly, "Pleasure to meet you.  You're very beautiful." 

Your mom giggled, "Thank you!"  Before the encounter could continue your mothers husband strolled up.

"Y/n, find a guy did ya?"

"Oh yes!" Your mother snapped out of her trance, "Are you her boyfriend?" She peeked around you, looking at the hiding Megumi with furrowed brows, "And-Y/n-please don't tell me..."

Your eyes narrowed, "What? Tell you what?"

The husband chuckled, "You get knocked up? Without a job, I guess you needa guy, heh?"

You scoffed, "Did I look pregnant when I lived with you? Did I look pregnant when I just saw you?  And I have a job, I make more in a day than you do in a week."

Your mother cleared her throat, "We have to get going, see you Hun."

You didn't miss the dirty look her husband sent.

"Hmp." You snatched the bill off the table, "I'll be right back."

The streetlights were on by the time you left the restaurant, Megumi cuddled up to you and snoozing while walking back.

"I won that race."  Toji mentoned.

"Which race?"

"The one we bet on."

"I didn't expect you to be honest enough to admit that."

"I'm a very honest man."

You looked over, "What were my winnings, personal questions?  Are you bringing it up because of earlier?  Do you feel bad?"

Toji chuckled, "You have more to learn about my character."

"Hmm, so if you dont feel bad, perhaps you like personal questions?  Don't tell me you're a womanizer and a narcissist." You rose a brow. Toji grinned to himself. "I suppose those are better than what that man is." You mumbled, sighing, "I'll have to think of my questions, is there a limit?"

"As many as you can think of sweetheart."

You had put Megumi to bed before meeting Toji on the balcony.  Smoke lingered from the end of his cigarette. 
You leaned against the edge, resting your cheek against your hand.  "I was somewhat joking.  About the questions.  You don't really have to, I'm just being nosey."

"Go on sweetheart.  I'm not easily offended."

"Fine.  What's the scar on your lip from?"

"That's always the first one."  He smirked, "My uncle."

"Is it reasons like that you don't associate with them anymore?"  Toji hummed.  "What about your parents?"

"My family is an old school clan.  Most of the couples are arranged or just get together to have kids.  I was a dud to them, so my father felt embarrassed and chased my mom out."

"So who took care of you?"

He shrugged, "Maids."

"What happened when you left?"

"They were thrilled." Toji chuckled, "I started a job and met Megumis mom."

"I assume you won't tell me your job?"

"Its a secret." He winked.

You rolled your eyes before shifting slightly, "Do you tell Megumi about his mom?"

"He knows when she died, how it happened.  He doesn't ask about her much, but I don't expect him to."

Shitty family is one thing, but...you were hesitant to ask anymore about a dead wife.

"Megumi looks at you in that way." Toji spoke.

You were silent for another moment, mulling those words over. "Thats probably why you were mad about before...I shouldn't have said any of that, it wasn't my place. Um...I don't mean to try and take that role-"

Toji cut you off, "I know you don't. But Megumi has given it to you. If these are the only words you'll trust, she would have been happy there's someone like you to care for him. You do hell of a lot better job than I do."

"Still though, I don't want you to feel like...ya know."

"You think too hard sweetheart." Toji mumbled, resting his hand on your head. "So that it?"

"Yea that's enough deep conversation today." You lightly slapped his hand away.

"Hold on now, what do I have to win to get some questions?" He teased.

You sighed, "I guess its fair if you want to ask a couple..."

"How generous. Your parents are real bitchy aren't they."

"How blunt." You mocked, "The guy isn't my dad, but yea. Pretty much." After a moment of silence you looked at him, "What, that's it?"

"I ain't as nosy."

"I'm aware I'm nosey so that isn't an insult."


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ima be busy busy the next two weeks but i think ill still be able to update regularly.  if not i promise im not flaking on this story!

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