13 Field Day

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Twas the day of field.

You'd worked an extra day over the weekend to make up the time, and Megumi had stayed over last night because who would trust Toji to make sure he was ready for the day. And Toji, well you had threatened him to be sure he'd show up on time.

You wore comfy yet casual clothes, assuming you'd be standing around most of the day. Toji per usual wore a plain black tshirt and sweatpants. Megumi had a specially made shirt from the school that said 'Field Day!' in big bright letters, along with his last name and class. He held your hand while walking between yourself and Toji.

"Are you excited?" You asked.

He shrugged lazily.

"That's it? Haven't your teachers been like, hyping this up?" You sweatdropped.

"The other grades had theirs all week and it was loud. I don't like it."

Before you could catch yourself saying 'fair' you remembered a kid his age should like stuff like this. They usually do, don't they? "Cmon Megumi, don't be all brooding like your dad. At least try to have fun?"

"I guess."

"I'll take it."

As Megumi had described it was very much crazy and loud. For now, the individual classes would stay in the classroom while confrences were done. The room was a mixture of kids sitting at their desk happily talking with parents at their side, or a jumble of kids yelling about a toy in the corner of the room while the adults gossiped. Different from the rest was your little group. Megumi had a disgruntled look on his face, Toji was completely blank, and you were a mix of both. You were remembered why children usually grossed you out. Thankfully Megumi was so well behaved.

"Mr. Fushiguro?!" A voice called from among the chaos. You nudged a spaced out Toji.

His hand was on your back dragging you along before you could protest. The lady led you in the hall, shutting the door and muffling the noise.

She looked to be your average teacher. "I don't believe we've met before, I'm Miss Akio."

"L/n, nice to meet you."

She nodded, bringing a paper to the front. "Well Megumi is a smart child, he applies himself to work, but I do worry slightly about his socialization. He doesn't seem to feel the need to socialize with his peers, and...if anything..avoids it.." The lady sighed. Perhaps that is a hereditary trait... "A-anyways, I'll continue to work with him, but if you can find the time, maybe try out an after school club or things like that."

It was obvious from the beginning that Toji wasn't listening, so you answered. "Of course, thank you." And back into the chaos you went.

The stuffy air was relieved once the grade moved outside. By class the kids would rotate activities and first up was the sack race. You of course pulled your phone out as Megumi grudgingly climbed into it.

Turns out, these kids weren't exactly coordinated nor big enough, and the race consisted of tiny tiny hops and falling down. Great amusement for the adults.

Next, coconut bowling. Kids would have to roll a coconut to knock down six water bottles. If they got them all down first try they won a prize. Kids chattered as they waited their turn, meanwhile Megumi looked ahead with a straight face, checking your and Tojis way every so often. You began making silly faces, making him crack a smile until it was his turn.

Though Toji was bored out of his mind, something swirled in his chest, watching you make sure his son was comfortable. You didn't fight a child for his attention. You weren't fake to Megumi, nor him for that matter. Hell, he didn't even pay you to watch his kid day and night! You hadn't asked for a dime nor a favor.

"Oo, what did you pick?" You asked, kneeling down as Megumi ran over. You were curious, as he'd rummaged in the box for awhile. Megumi pulled a bracelet from behind his back, a pretty one, having been a prize for children. A black and white beaded bracelet, though the black beads were iridescent with blue and the white with purple. "That's really pretty!"

Megumi looked up at Toji and, receiving a wink in return, placed the bracelet over your hand before running off.

Your lip trembled, "He ran because he knew I'd smother him." You stood, twirling the beads around.

You'd received a cheap bracelet, yet your eyes were glowing.

Toji chuckled, bringing your arm up to inspect the plastic. "Do I have to buy one to compete for your favor?"

You barked a laugh so quickly he knew the flirt led nowhere. "As if you even have a chance! Gumi is so cute and precious!"

The next was a relay race, which went much quicker than the rest. It was midday by then, and so the pizza party began. As everyone began straying off you wondered how the teachers would round them all back up.

You and Toji sat in the grass, looking around for Megumi. He disappeared after the last activity.

"There he is." Toji nodded toward the swing set. Megumi stood alone, two other boys in front of him.

You frowned. "Is he being teased?" Before the man could answer he was dragged to his feet with surprising power.

Sure enough, the boys were spouting some nonesense that no one had showed for him, that his mom wasn't here. A scary look was etched on your face, despite the threat being no higher than your knee. You stepped in front of Megumi, dropping down and giving a fake smile. "Listen brats. You ever talk, tease, or look in Megumis direction again and I'll cut your ears off and gift them to your parents, got that?"  One nodded with wide eyes while the other shook behind. "Then run along and keep your mouths shut."  They scurried away, the later bursting into tears.

Accomplished, you set Megumi on your hip, swaying his arm while singing, "Pizza pizza, lets get some pizza! Pizza pizza!"

Toji followed behind, letting a smirk crawl on his lips. What a protective mama bird.

Megumi was exhausted after the day (probably from social interaction rather than physical work), and fell asleep in your arms on the walk home. You felt tired yourself, eyes drooping. Once arriving, you sat on the couch, almost instantly falling asleep with Megumi snuggled up to you.

Toji huffed.


off topic but chainsaw man is sooo fucking good

maybe when the first seasons done ill write something for that 🧐

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