Chapter 20

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We pulled into Granny's driveway about ten minutes later.

Puck and I ran from the car and to the front door of the house. He pulled out his key and unlocked the door.


That was all that I heard before I was pulled into the tightest hug on the planet.

"I thought that you were gone forever," Granny muttered in my ear.

She held me back to look me up and down and the disgusted look on her face was priceless.

"What on earth are you wearing?"

I laughed, "Something that I would like to take off right away."

After a few more tight hugs from Daphne and Uncle Jake, I walked to my room and changed my clothes to a comfortable pair of jean shorts and Puck's hoodie. As soon as I put it on, I felt at home.

The scent of Puck since he found that showering had it's benefits was just plain old amazing.

I walked back down the stairs and saw that Puck hadn't come into the house. I pulled out my phone and texted him. I asked where he was.

He responded by telling me that he was in the car, waiting for me.

I knew that he wanted to go back to the castle to get Ella, but I don't think that I would be able to leave Granny, Daph, or Jake. With Ella still out there, they weren't safe.

Another message from Puck came in. He told me that they had to go now.

I pushed my phone in my pocket and ran down the hall to the living room. My family was sitting there, watching TV.

"I have to go out," I said, "I'll be back in a little while. While I'm gone, I don't want you guys to open the door and I want you guys to be safe."

I turned to walk down the stairs, but I was stopped by the sound of Granny's voice.

"Brina, you just got back. Where are you going?"

"To the castle. I'm going to end all of this."

Daphne jumped off of the couch and walked up to me, "If you're going, then I am too."

I shook my head, "No, I'm going alone."

She glared at me, "No you're not. Puck's going. It's like ever since you two item, you rarely have time for me. Adventures used to be our thing. Then you replaced me with Puck."

I don't think that she realized it, but she had started to yell at me. I was never one to argue with my sister, but she annoyed me with that comment.

"I did not replace you."

She scoffed, "When was the last time we did something together? Without Puck. Just because he's in your pants-"

I cut her off, "He is not. And what are you talking about? I spend time with you."

She looked at me as if she couldn't believe what I was saying, "No you don't. Ever since the Everafter was ended, you've kept to yourself. And lately, I've been seeing a lot of the old Sabrina. The only thing that's different is that you don't spend any time with me anymore. Since when do we not go on adventures together? What happened to the Grimm sisters?"

That blew it.

"What happened to it? Is that really what you're asking me? You know what happened to it? It died. It died right along with the people who died in the Everafter war. And as for my depression, it was only recently fixed. Matter of fact, it's not fixed. The only thing that's different between the me now and the me after the war is that now I have something to live for. And sweetie, it ain't you. Not yet." (Maximum Ride Reference)

I took in a huge breath of air, "All you guys ever did for me was bring me to doctors and therapists. I didn't need that kind of help. I don't know, what I needed, but whatever it was, Puck gave it to me. You guys didn't save me. Puck did. That's why I spend more time with him. HE understands me. He saved me from suicide."

Granny and Daphne gasped.

"Yeah, that's right. I was going to do it. I was going to take my life, but Puck saved me. He showed me that there was a reason for me to live. So for the Grimm sisters, yeah, one of them died a long time ago."

I turned on my heel and walked out the door.  As I went down the driveway, I wiped the tears from my face and approached the car that was awaiting me.

I stepped into the vehicle and Puck glanced at me.


I looked at him.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

I opened my mouth to ask what he was talking about when he lifted his phone and showed me that he had just ended a ten minute call with me.

Crap, I thought, I accidently called him. He heard everything.

Hey guys, I just wanted to thank all of you for reading this. It started really slow, but it got there. I'm so happy. I love that so many of you are leaving comments. Thanks guys. Leave more. It bring me so much joy and it make me want to write more. So, once again, Thank you. ~Luv Miki

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