Chapter 23

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"Guards!" I screamed,"Guards."
I saw that the two guards that were standing closest to the cell turned around and glanced at me.
"Why are you just standing there?" I exclaimed,"He's dying."
One of the guards turned around and looked into the cell to see Puck lying on the ground.
They started to speak in a foreign language and they did it really fast.
In the blink of an eye, they had unlocked the door and surrounded Puck.
They leaned down and hovered over him.
Puck lifted his leg and it hit the first guard square in the jaw. The other one turned to me and tried to punch me in the face. I caught his fist and twisted his wrist. He groaned in pain as I yanked his arm down to the ground and landed a hard punch to his temple.
He went crashing down as another set of guards came down and attacked us.
We used all the techniques that we had learned over the years and made it through half of them before the remainder of them realized that we weren't the people to be messing with.
They all turned and ran in the opposite direction. Puck wiped the sweat off his forehead and I gathered my hair into one hand and pulled it back with a hair tie.
I turned my head and looked at Puck. He gave me a smile in return and together, we walked out of the cell.

We both knew what our portion of the plan was.
Puck was supposed to find the main room in the castle so that we could find out where Granny was residing. After he figured that out, he would need to go find the room with the breakers.
Puck would then turn off the light in the main room and then the rest would be up to me.
I would already be in the room, awaiting the lights to go off. As soon as the light seized to exist, I would spring and get the upper hand.
I would then find a way to get answers out of Granny.
Puck and I were in position and ready to go. As soon as the lights went off, I inched my way from under the table and silently prayed that I wouldn't bump into a table.
Since I had a long while under there table to scope the place out, I basically knew the places that I could and couldn't step.
Before I knew it, I was standing in the outer circle of the small group of guards that didn't leave Granny's side when the others went to figure out why the lights suddenly went out.
"What's that?" One of the men asked.
I held my breath and stepped aside.
Because of the darkness, I couldn't tell if they sent someone after me, but I did know that they didn't get me.
I reached out and found the closest guard.
I pressed a certain point on his neck and he fell to the ground.
Suddenly, about five guards jumped on me.
The lights came back on and the men on top of me laughed as they saw that even though they had gotten me together, not one of then could say that they didn't have the limb of another guard.
The door to the room opened and a guard came in holding a beat up Puck with his arms behind his back.
"You bitch," I screamed a my boyfriend stumbled from lack of blood. You could hardly tell the he was wearing blue considering how much red was all over him.
"You can scream as many profanities as you want. That still doesn't waver the fact that I have you surrounded and nothing you do can get you out of here."
She laughed the laugh that I had heard countless amounts of times and had once associated with happiness and family.
My mind suddenly went to a distant memory.
It was freshman year and I had just endured one of the worst beatings from bullies that had ever experienced in my life.
As soon as I stepped into the house, I ran to the bathroom and reached under the sink and found my trusty blade.
I pulled back the long sleeve of my shirt and dragged it against my skin.
The door then burst open and Puck knocked the blade out of my hand.
I had screamed and yelled at him to give it back, but he just looked at me ashamed.
When he told Granny, she gave a small smile and said that she would always be there for me and that we were family. Later that night, we decided to have a family game night and she laughed the whole night away.

Her guards forced Puck and I to our knees and Granny stood in front of us.
"Face it, children. You have lost. Just give in."
I laughed.
Granny furrowed her brow.
"I do not understand why you are laughing. You have lost."
I looked up so that I could see I her eyes,"Are you sure about that? Did you really think that it would be that easy? Did you even realize that you were messing with The Trickster King and The Queen of Sneaks? I don't think you realize that I'm a very deceptive and sneaky person and I could quickly take something and relocate it without anyone else knowing."
Granny stated in confusion and I sighed,"I hid a bomb in the castle. You'll never be able to find it and even if you could, it would be too late"
I spit out the last couple of words with as much venom as I could muster.
"Maybe you should go find it," I said.
"Because three... Two... one."
I paused as I watched the look on Granny's face go from cockiness to worry.
I smirked and looked her dead in the eye.
"Boom," and it exploded.

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