Chapter 26

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We just sat there for a long while.

Eventually, Puck sat up and looked at me."Bri, we got to go after Granny. She might go after anyone else that we have ever loved or known."

I saw the fear flash through his eyes and wondered if he was thinking about his family. I knew that during the war, he lost contact with his parents because they felt that he had dishonored them by not sticking with the faerie people. The only one from his family that still talked to him was Mustardseed and he loved that.

I got up off of the floor and Puck followed. We walked outside and he took me by the waist before taking to the air.

He flew and flew until suddenly, we were knocked out of the sky.

"What the h-" was all I heard before I came crashing down to the earth.

The first thing that came to my head was that I was going to die.

The second was that I was okay with that.

I continued to fall and braced myself for the impact of my small, frail body hitting the ground.

Then something flashed in my mind.

I didn't want to die.

I had something to do in this world. I had people that still loved me. Some that I still loved.

I thought of Puck and how he had been so kind to me for so long. Even when I pushed him away, he was still there. Never too far behind. Always two steps ahead. Knowing what I was going to do before I did it. He was someone that I knew that I could trust and that I had no problem trusting.

The pressure in my body was released as I was caught in the open arms of my savior.

"'And I'll never let you fall'" Puck hummed from one of my favorite Disney movies. (If you can be the first person to tell me what movie this is from, I'll give you a shout out. Personally, this is one of my favorite movies.)

I laughed and then I thought of the seriousness of the situation.

"What happened?" I screamed over the loud sounds of the wind rushing in my ears.

"There is some type of invisible force blocking me.

"Shit," I muttered.

We both knew that it was Granny.

"We have to land," he told me.

II nodded and we slowly made it back to the ground.

As soon as we placed both feet on the ground, I felt the coolness of metal touching my neck.

"Look who it is," a familiar voice said," Looking better without all the black and grey."

Suddenly I knew who it was.


Melodie was one of the more popular girls from high school. She was one of the ones that found the most pleasure in making my life a living hell. I couldn't even count how many times that her insults and actions had made me take one more step closer to suicide. I thought of the everlasting scars on my wrist that her existence in my life had caused.

"Let me guess," I said,"You're one of the bitches in this organization."

She kneed me in the stomach and I keeled over, "Grew some balls, did you Grimm? Last time I checked, you had no worth. I would say the smallest thing and suddenly-"

She lifted my arm and shoved my arm in my face so that the scars were in my vision.

"Let's play a game," she said.

She was enjoying this way too much. I knew that she didn't like me, but this was way too much.

"Hey bitch," she said and then punched me in the face, "Do you not hear me talking to you?"

I lifted my shaking hand to my nose and fell to the ground. I couldn't see straight.

"When I talk," she lifted her foot and landed it in my side, "You answer. Now, do you want to play a game?"

I lifted my head off of the ground and brought the back of my hand to my mouth and slid it across. It came away red. I hoped that Puck was still okay. I hadn't see him since we landed.

I looked Melodie in the eye and spoke, "What type of game?"

Her evil grin grew, if that was even possible, "One where I ask questions and if you get them wrong, I retrace one of those scars."

I groaned and she laughed.

"Let's go." she said as she grabbed my wrist again.

"What's the name of the organization?"

"The Pink Hand." I said through gritted teeth.

She pat my head, "Good job. apparently you aren't that stupid."

"Who's the leader of the group?"

I felt the sting of tears come to my eyes, but I refused to cry in front of this girl

"Relda Grimm."

"Oh," she said with a huge grin. "Wrong."

I looked at her confused, but she was too busy looking at the lines on my arm.

She placed the tip of the knife on my bare skin and pushed. I let out a small yelp and forced myself to shut my teeth together.

You've been through this before. It will get better, I told myself, You have Puck.

She let out a crazed laugh and dropped my arm.

"Wait," I said through gritted teeth, "How was that wrong? my grandmother is the leader."

"Nope. She the second in command. There is someone else in charge." she boasted.


She laughed, "My boyfriend."

I gave her another confused look.

"Baby?" she said.

I heard someone approach me from behind and I looked back.

At first, I thought that it was the loss of blood or maybe the fact that I might be mentally insane, but when they spoke, I knew it was real.

"That's right, Bri." Puck said as he put his arm around Melodie and kissed her.

Sorry it's been so long. I hope you guys enjoyed. ~Miki

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