Chapter 36

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Chandler looked at me as if I had two heads.
"Chandler, they want our baby."
He looked at me again and then smirked,"Very funny, Bri."
He turned the key in the ignition and I turned it back.
"What are you doing," Chan asked.
I lifted my head and met his eyes with my own,"Chandler Carlton Riggs, I'm being fucking serious. They want our baby and they want me fucking dead. I should've known."
I grabbed the roots of my hair and pulled,"I can't ever be free. I can never leave."
Chandler's hand rested on my arm,"Brina."
I kept muttering,"No," underneath my breath.
He leaned over and placed bit hands on either side of my shoulders.
"Sabrina Grimm, look at me."
I looked at him.
His beautiful eyes locked with mine. The humor and fun that was normally in them were gone.
All that was there was was love and worry.
"You need to focus. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I knew what I asked for when I proposed and I'd be damned if you died before I spent eternity with you."
I started at him.
"I'm scared," I whispered.
He pulled me into a hug,"You don't have to be."
He turned back to the wheel and turned the key in the ignition.

When we pulled up to the apartment building and as soon as Chandler helped me out of the car, he stormed off towards the house.
He turned and I saw a glint in his eyes. He was looking for trouble.
"Chandler, wait!" I yelled as I hobbled as fast as I could after him.
"Dammit," I cursed myself.
By the time I made it up the stairs, the apartment door was open and I could hear yelling.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?"
I made it to the door of the apartment and witnessed Chandler holding Puck against the wall and Red yelling at him.
"Chandler, put him down!" Red screamed.
Chandler shoved him harder,"What the fuck do you think you're doing threatening her?"
I walked up to them, out of breath and panting.
"Dude, what the fuck are you talking about?" Puck asked.
Chandler shook Puck and I yelled.
They seemed to not hear me.
"You know what the hell I'm fucking talking about."
Chandler said as he punched Puck in the face. As Chan's pulled back, I could see the droplets of blood roll down Puck's cheek.
"No Chandler. He doesn't." I sighed,"He doesn't because it wasn't him."
Chandler turned to me and said,"What?"
"It wasn't him," I said,"It wasn't him because it was Rumplestiltskin."
Puck's head whipped around.
"Who was it?"
"It was Rumple. He called me and said that he wanted my first born and my head on a stick. He still wants me Puck."
Chan let him go and Puck stared at me.
He didn't try and tend to his own wounds like any sensible person.
Puck walked to me while I walked to him and he opened his arms.
I walked into his open arms and lay my head against his chest as he ran his hands through my ponytail.
I heard a huff and then a door slam and I knew that I fucked up.

Sandler or Puckabrina.
I known it's a little short, but I wanted it to end with a little cliffy.

Can y'all please check out my new story called A Little While Longer. It's a Chandler Riggs fanfic. ~Luv ya Miki

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